
LabMASTER-aw 水分活度仪

测量范围0.03-1.00aw , 控温范围0-50°C
技术参数测定范围:0.03-1.00aw ,控温范围0-50°C重现性:0.002aw准确度:0.003aw包括:主机,控温系统,100个样品池,6点标定标准品。软件NOVALOG,电脑控制和打印输出。RS232主要特点The new star in water activity measurement for quality management,research and production optimisation in food, pharmaceutical,chemical or cosmetic industries. A professional lab instrument for high precision measurements of aw values (water activity) in various probes.The temperature of the measurement chamber may be set and fullycontrolled in the range from 0°C to 50°C, and is kept constant within +/-0.2K.This instrument offers the most used aw measuring technology all overthe world. A big LCD screen and a simple intuitive menu drivenoperation, help to fulfil your task quickly, precise and efficient.Measuring range aw : 0.03 ... 1.00aw (real range !!)Measurement chamber temperature : selectable 0 ... 50°C,Accuracy : +/- 0.003aw / 0.2°C at 25°CRepeatability : +/- 0.002awCommunication : RS-232 or USB interface,PC software for analysing and visualisation仪器介绍LabMaster控温台式水活度测定仪,可测定任意设定的温度下的水分活度,特别适用于食品工程、食品设计等研发目的及销售的产品的质量控制。另有多种型号适用于更多的应用:Ms1 AW ,便携式水活度测定仪,应用广泛的水活度测定仪;AMS AW ,便携式水活度测定仪,适用于粮食仓库、缸体内、罐体内的样品分析。应用广泛的水分活度仪。High-precision, fast, flexible and easy!.The LabMaster-aw is the only instrument in the world that enablesmeasurements under precisely controlled chamber temperatureconditions, selectable in the following range: 0°C to 50°C,with a precision of 0.2K. His quick response and many additionalsoftware features set the new standard for aw-value measurement.A new multi-user and multi-probes management is implemented andfulfils the first time ever all subjects of regulation orrecommendations of different associations and laws.The large, clear illuminated graphic LC display is very easy toread and the menu driven software is intuitive and simple to learn.An RS 232 or USB interface is implemented for connecting a printeror PC.PC-Software for Win9x/2000/NT/XP is provided with the instrument.Examples of aw measurements:All forms of pastry and baked goodsMeat and sausagesFruit concentratesCheese, Milk productsDried foodstuffsPasta, IcecreamMedicationsCosmetics, Lipsticks
信息声明:本产品供应信息由仪器网为您整合,供应商为(杭州英鑫仪器有限公司),内容包括 (LabMASTER-aw 水分活度仪)的品牌、型号、技术参数、详细介绍等;如果您想了解更多关于 (LabMASTER-aw 水分活度仪)的信息,请直接联系供应商,给供应商留言!