- 型号:KT-ZDL-2
- 产地:中国大陆
- 供应商:上海嘉展仪器设备有限公司
- 供应商报价:电议
- 标签:单联电炉2KW,可调单联电炉,常用设备,恒温加热设备,供应单联电炉2KW,可调单联电炉,上海嘉展仪器设备有限公司
产品简介:实验电炉 (万用可调电炉)
Stand closed adjustable furnace is siso named as experimental electric furnace. or allround adjustable electric furnace. which is the most commonly used heating equipment in experimental depadments in hospitals agriculture and husbandry industry. environmental protection industry. schools. R&D institutes. factories and mines. etc.
C0nstruction features :
The furnace body is made up of excellent steel plates. whose furnacedtsk is supported by pallet. It uses slate to educe heat insulation function. It.s electronic model applies bidirecttonal controllable silicamaterials to modulate the heating power in no leve; and ITs mechanic one abopts sorting switch to control the heating in levels. The productcan be operated conveniently. energy saving. safely and with longheating generator service life.
主要技术指标:Primary technical indexes:
* 型 式 : Type : 单联、直式可调
* 额 定 功 率(KW): Rated power : 2
* 电 源 / 电 压 :Power supply/voltage : 220 V±10% 50HZ+2%
* 外 形 尺 寸(cm): Outline size : 20×23×24.5
* 包 装 尺 寸(cm):Size of package : 23×25×28
* 净 重 /毛 重(Kg):Net / Gross weight : 5 / 5.5