ProtoGlow ECL化学发光显色(ECL)试剂盒
- 型号:CL-300
- 产地:美洲
- 供应商:上海桑戈生物科技有限公司
- 供应商报价:电议
- 标签:ProtoGlow ECL化学发光显色(ECL)试剂盒,生物试剂,环保试剂,供应ProtoGlow ECL化学发光显色(ECL)试剂盒,上海桑戈生物科技有限公司
1.市场上进的加强型Western Blot化学发光底物
4.保质期长 (4摄氏度保存一年)
试剂盒采用的化学物质可以将WB的敏感度提高20倍.从而可以检测到丰度更低的目的蛋白或者使用更高稀释度的一抗二抗,从而大大的节约成本.试剂盒可以在120分钟内保持稳定的发光, 从而保证每次曝光每张胶片都可以得到稳定的实验结果.也可以从时间上允许多次曝光以选取合适的性噪比。可以检测到5ng的目标蛋白,将抗体稀释度提高4到40倍仍然可以得到良好的实验结果,从而大大节约昂贵的抗血清成本.
National Diagnostics' ProtoGlow ECL delivers the latest technology developed for enhances chemiluminescent detection on Western blots. The unique chemistry of the ProtoGlow ECL system increases the sensitivity of Western blots by up to 20 fold. This allows the detection of proteins at lower abundance and/or the use of higher dilutions of primary and secondary antibodies, economizing on these expensive reagents.
The improved sensitivity of ProtoGlow ECL is demonstrated below. Serial dilutions of transferrin were blocked and probed with HRP labelled antibody, and then subjected to detection using ProtoGlow ECL. ProtoGlow ECL detected down to 5ng of transferrin.
Gel electroblotted onto nitrocellulose and probed with HRP-labelled antibody at 1:30,000 dilution. Detection using ProtoGlow ECL. Blots were exposed for 90 seconds. Lane 1) 100 ng; Lane 2) 50 ng; Lane 3) 25 ng; Lane 4) 10 ng; Lane 5) 5 ng. |
Long Lasting Signal
ProtoGlow ECL generates a consistent light output for as long as 120 minutes. This ensures results are more reproducible: exposure to exposure, blot to blot. It also allows multiple exposures of a single blot to be taken to optimize the signal:noise ratio.
Sequential exposures of serially diluted HRP conjugated anti-transferrin antibody detected with ProtoGlow ECL. Exposures of 60 seconds were taken at 0, 30, 60 and 180 minutes. Dilutions: Lane 1) 1:10,000; Lane 2) 1:20,000; Lane 3) 1:40,000; Lane 4) 1:80,000; Lane 5) 1:160,000. |
ProtoGlow ECL allows the researcher to use less antibody. The extremely enhanced signal from ProtoGlow ECL allows you to use anywhere from 4 to 40 times less antibody per blot while retaining the same detection sensitivity. This in turn allows you to economize on the consumption of expensive antisera.