SE-9000|转速计|测速仪|转速表|SE9000|日本三和SANWA电梯维修管理用,2频道显示可检测超高层建筑 的高速电梯的速度可比较任意两个 速度(两个独立的锁定显示功能)可记录检测值(模拟变化外部输出端子)可显示远距离操作的2个外部锁定端子利用外部编码器可实现远程距离操作(SE-9000M)即使在暗处也能容易看清的LED显示自动关机(约3分)内部电池耗电时的低电报警功能■ For liner speed of elevator,rpm(s) of motors■ Analog output connectable to recorder■ LED display easy to read the value in the dark place■ 2 ch. display to compare data (isolated data hold function)■ Auto power off function■ External hold terminal for remote control ■ SE-9000■ Speed ring thickness 10mm (SE-10) x 1■ Speed ring thickness 0.9mm (SE-0.9) x 1■ Cord for hold input (SE-L-H) x 2■ Cord for analog output (SE-L-O) x 1 ■ Hex wrench x 1■ Carrying case (C-SE) x 1