

Z大功率:--(kw) 防爆等级:--
开封仪表有限公司是国家一级计量先进企业。是ZGZ大的流量仪表生产与测试基地,是研制,生产流量仪表和流量测量装置及液位仪表的专业厂。1997年已通过ISO9001质量体系认证。国家水大流量计量站,机械工业第十三计量测试ZX站,机械工业流量仪表产品质量检测ZX位于本厂。厂内建有大、中、小型水流量、气体流量,油流量等实流标准装置。主要产品有:从英国引进设计,制造技术生产的E-mag系列电磁流量计。其中E-mag X型是全智能电磁流量计,具有Profibus DP 和Profibus PA协议现场总线。EWM/A系列电池式电磁流量计、AM系列金属管浮子流量计,250系列智能金属管浮子流量计和自行设计制造的腰轮、智能涡轮、智能涡街、蒸气、孔板、文丘里管等流量计,智能流量显示仪及流量成套计量装置。厂内设有自控系统工程部,对外承接自控成套项目。Kaifeng Instrument Co.,LTD is a national first grade measurement advancing enterprise, it is a largest base in China for manufacturing and measuring flow instrument, a professional factory to research and manufacture flow instrument, flow measuring facilities, and liquid level gauges. It passed the approval of ISO9001 Quality System in 1997. The National Large Water Measurement Station, the No.13 Measurement and Test Center and the Quality Inspection and Supervision Center for Flowmeter of machinery industry are all established in this Factory. The main products are: E-mag series electromagnetic flowmeter, produced with the imported designing and manufacturing technology from U.K.. Of them, E-mag X is a full intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter, with Profibus DP and Profibus PA agreements local buses. EWM/A series battery version electromagnetic flowmeter, AM series metal tube variable-area flowmeter, 250 series intelligent metal tube variable-area flowmeter, and the self-designed, manufactured roots flowmeter, intelligent turbine, vortex, flowmeters, rotary shunt, orifice plate, ventury tube flowmeters etc., intelligent flowrate display and the flow package measuring facilities. The auto-control system engineering dept. was established in the factory to undertake the customer’s auto-control package project.
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