P-2A 双盘双速金相抛光机 金相试样抛光机 不锈钢机柜双盘抛光机
- 产地:中国大陆
- 供应商:邦亿精密量仪(上海)有限公司
- 供应商报价:6500
- 标签:P-2A 双盘双速金相抛光机 金相试样抛光机 不锈钢机柜双盘抛光机,其他产品/服务,其他产品/服务,供应P-2A 双盘双速金相抛光机 金相试样抛光机 不锈钢机柜双盘抛光机,邦亿精密量仪(上海)有限公司
品Pai | 邦亿 | 型号 | P-2A | 类型 | 台式抛光机 |
工作原理 | 金相抛光机 | 电源类型 | 插电式电源 | 电源电压 | 220V |
额定输入功率 | 0.18K(W) | 抛光轮直径 | 230(mm) | 抛光心轴螺纹 | 无 |
空载转速 | 960r/min 1340r/min(rpm) | 回转数 | 960r/min 1340r/min(rpm) | 输出功率 | 0.18K(W) |
变速方式 | 定挡变速 | 适用对象 | 汽车 | 附件 | 参考说明 |
净重 | 65(kg) | 电源线长 | 2(m) | 加工定制 | 是 |
P-2A 双速金相抛光机
Metallographic Specimen Polisher
Model P-2A Metallographic Specimen Polisher is applicable for polishing metallic material after being ground and thereby metallic surface as bright as a mirror can be obtained for the purpose of observing and determining metallographic structure under a microscope.
Brief Description
The polisher is composed of welded Support, worktable, polishing disks, polishing cloths, polishing covers and lids, switch box, and other basic components. On the worktable are mounted two polishing disks, which are quite convenient for two persons to operate simultaneously.
Two motors are placed under the worktable and they are attached to the table by means of retaining plates. The taper sleeve for fixing the polishing disks are joined to the motor shaft with screws and the polishing cloths are tightly wrapped on the disks by ferrules. The start or stop of the motors can be controlled by switches installed on the switch box. After a motor is started, polishing can be done by using the hand to press the specimen against the revolving disk. The polishing liquid added during can be discharged through the drain pipe fit in the plastic tray on the table .When the machine is not in use. The polishing cover and lid can prevent the dust and other impurities from falling on the polishing cloth to impair the operation effect.
1.抛盘直径 Diameter of grinding disk | Φ200mm double disks 双盘 |
2.抛盘转速 Revolving speed of disk | 960r/min 1340r/min |
3.电动机 Motor | 0.18kw.380,50Hz.2 sets 台 |
4.电源电压 Power Voltage | 220V.A.C,1PH,50Hz |
5.外形尺寸 Overall dimensions | 760x410x915mm |
6.净重 Weight | 65kg |