加工定制:是 | 品Pai:YF | 型号:GDJS-100L |
工作室尺寸:400*500*500(mm) | 温度范围:100(℃) | 温度波动度:150(℃) |
温度均匀度:±0.5℃(%) | 控温方式:程序 | 适用范围:耐寒、耐热、耐干、耐温性能测试 |

可程序恒温恒湿试验机Programmable Temperature & Humidity Tester MODLE:GDJS用途:Usages:本机适用于各种材料之耐热、耐寒、耐干、耐温性能测试。适用:电子、电器、仪表、食品、车辆、金属、化工、建材、航天、YL制品检测使用。This machine is for testing function of heating endurance, cold endurance, drought endurance, wet endurance suitable for testing the quality control of factories of electronics, electric appliance, food, automobile, mental, chemicals, building materials, aerospace, medical products etc.特点介绍:Features:※高质感外观,圆弧造型,内外箱材质为不锈钢,采用平面无反作用力把手,操控自如,得心应手。High-texture appearance,circular shape,Inside and outside the box made of stainless steel,It uses non-reaction force plane handles operating freely and handy.※按测试要求,可加装测试操作孔;According to test requirements, you can install test operations hole.※原装日本OYO液晶显示触摸式控制屏,可记忆100组程序(PTY)×1000段(STEP),而各组程序(PTN)多可持行999回或者无限次反复持行,中英文可切接口,程序编辑容易;具故障警示、保护:RS-232通讯接口,并随机附送PC软件,可远程操控;Original Japanese OYO LCD touch-control screen can remember Section 100 program (PTN)×1000 in paragraph (STEP), and a variety of procedures (PTN) up to 999 back to the executable or unlimited repeated execution, you can transform interface in English and Chinese and the program editing is easy; It is a fault warning, protection; It has RS-232 communication interface and comes with PC software, but also the remote control.※内藏式多翼送风机,超越传统风机外露之弊端,QL送风循环,使实验室温度真正均匀;Built-in multi-blade blower, beyond the traditional shortcomings of exposed blower, powerful air circulation, so that the laboratory temperature uniformity.※观察窗:配备钢化玻璃,除霜加热装置及节能照明灯;Observation window: with tempered glass, defrost heater and energy efficient lighting.※隐藏式加水孔设置,即美观又方便加水;Hidden water hole setting, both beautiful and convenient water.规格:Specification:
型号 Model | GDJS-100L | GDJS-150L | CDJS-225L | CDJS-408L | CDJS-800L | CDJS-1000L |
温度调节Temp range | A:-20℃~+100℃(+150℃) B:-40℃~+100℃(+150℃) C:-40℃~+100℃(+150℃) |
温度范围Humid range | 30%~98R.H |
温度精度Temp accuracy | ±0.3℃ |
湿度精度Humid accuracy | ±2.5%R.H |
温度均匀度Temp uniformity | ±0.5℃ |
升温时间Time of heating up | -20℃~+100℃need about 35min-40℃~+100℃need about45min-70℃~+100℃need about 60min |
降温时间Time of heating down | -20℃~-20℃need about 45min +20℃~-40℃need about 60min +20℃~-70℃need about 90min |
内箱尺寸Interior dimension | 400×500×500 | 500×600×500 | 500×750×600 | 600×850×800 | 1000×1000×80 | 1000×1000×100 |
外箱尺寸Exterior dimension | 900×1450 ×100 | 1000×1500 ×100 | 1100×1600 ×110 | 1200×1700 ×130 | 1500×1850 ×140 | 1500×1850 ×152 |
内箱材质Interior material | 不锈钢镜面板 Stainless steel plate(SUS304#) |
外箱材质Exterior material | 不锈钢雾面拉丝板 Stainless steel plate(SUS304#) |
保温材质Insulation | 硬质发泡胶 (常高温为150℃时采用玻璃棉)Rigid polyurethane foam(glass wool at150℃) |
冷冻系统Refrigeration system | 全封闭压缩机 Hermetic compressor |
配件Accessories | 观察窗,上下间距可调隔层2片,测试孔(∮50mm) 1个,箱内照明灯 Viewing window, Shelves (freely adjustable 2pcs), Cable port (∮50mm), and Chamber lamp. |
重量Weight(kg) | 200 | 300 | 400 | 450 | 550 | 600 |
电源 Power | AC220V 50Hz | AC380V 50Hz |