Input Channels | 2Ch+EXT | 4Ch+EXT | 2Ch+EXT | 4Ch+EXT | 2Ch+EXT | 4Ch+EXT | Bandwidth | DC~150MHz(-3dB) | DC~250MHz(-3dB) | DC~350MHz(-3dB) | Rise Time | 2.3ns | 1.4ns | 1ns | Vertical Resolution | 8 bits | Vertical Resolution@ 1MΩ | 2mV~5V/div | Vertical Resolution@ 50/75Ω | 2mV~1V/div | Input Coupling | AC, DC, GND | Input Impedance | 1MΩ// 16pF | DC Gain Accuracy | ±(3% X |reading| + 0.1div+ 1mV) | Polarity | Normal and inverted | Maximum Input Impedance @1MΩ | 300V (DC+AC peak), CAT I | Maximum Input Impedance @50/75Ω | 5 Vrms ,CAT I | OffsetPositionRange | 2mV/div ~ 100mV/div: ±0.5V 200mV/div ~ 5V/div: ±25V | Bandwidth Limit | 20MHz (-3dB) | 100MHz (-3dB) | 200MHz (-3dB) | Waveform Signal Processing | Addition, Subtraction, multiplication, division, FFT, FFTrms | Trigger | Source | Dual channel: CH1, CH2, Line, Ext ; 4 channel: CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, Line, Ext | Trigger Mode | Auto (Auto (supports Roll Mode for 100 ms/div and slower), Normal, Single | Trigger Type | Edge, Pulse Width, Video, Runt, Rise & Fall, Alternative, Event-Delay (1~65,535) events, Time-Delay(10nS~10S), I2C, SPI, UART | TriggerHold-off Range | 10ns~10s | Coupling | AC, DC, LF rej, HF rej, Noise rej | Sensitivity | DC~50MHz approx. 1div or 1.0mV 50MHz~150MHz approx. 1.5div or 15mV 150MHz~350MHz approx. 2div or 20mV | EXT Trigger | Range | ±15V | Sensitivity | DC~150MHz pprox.100mV 150MHz~250MHz approx. 150mV 250MHz~350MHz approx. 150mV | Input Impedance | 1MΩ±3%, ~16pF | Horizontal | Range | 1ns/div~100s/div (1-2-5steps); ROLL: 100ms/div~100s/div | Pre-Trigger | 10div maximum | Post-Trigger | 1,000div | Accuracy | ±20 ppm over any ≧1 ms time interval | Signal Acquisition System | Real Time Sample Rate | 2.5GSa/s | 5GSa/s | 2.5GSa/s | 5GSa/s | 5GSa/s | 5GSa/s | Equivalent Time Sample Rate | 100GSa/s maximum for all models | Record Length | 25k points | Acquisition Mode | Normal, Average, Peak Detect, High resolution, Single | | Normal: Acquire sampled values | | Average: From 2 to 256 waveforms included in average | | Peak Detect: Catches glitches as narrow as 2ns at all sweep speeds | | Hi Res: Real-time boxcar averaging reduces random noise and increases vertical resolution | X-Y Mode | X-axis input | Channel 1; Channel 3 | Y-axis input | Channel 2; Channel 4 | Phase Shift | ±3° at 100kHz | Cursors and Measurement | Cursors | Amplitude, Time, Gating available | Automatic Measurement | 28 sets: Vpp, Vamp, Vavg, Vrms, Vhi, Vlo, Vmax, Vmin, Rise Preshoot/ Overshoot, Fall Preshoot/Overshoot, Freq, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, Positive Width, Negative Width, Duty Cycle, Phase, eight different delay measurements (FRR, FRF, FFR, FFF, LRR, LRF, LFR, LFF) | Cursors Measurement | ∆V, ∆T | Auto Counter | 6digits, range from 2Hz minimum to the rated bandwidth | Power Measurements (optional) | Power Quality Measurements | VRMS, V Crest Factor, Frequency, IRMS, I Crest Factor, True Power, Apparent Power, Reactive Power, Power Factor, Phase Angle. | Harmonics | Freq, Mag, Mag rms, Phase, THD-F, THD-R, RMS | Ripple Measurements | Vripple, Iripple | In-rush Current | First peak, second peak | Control Panel Functions | Autoset | Single-button, automatic setup of all channels for vertical, horizontal and trigger systems, with undo autoset | Auto-Range | Allows users to quickly move from test point to test point without having to reset the oscilloscope for each test point | Save Setup | 20 sets | Save Waveform | 24 sets | Display System | TFT LCD | 8" TFT LCD SVGA color display (LED backlight) | Display Resolution | 800 horizontal × 600 vertical (SVGA) | Interpolation | Sin(x)/x and equivalent time sampling | Waveform Display | Dots, Vectors, Variable persistence, infinite persistence | Display Graticule | 8 x 10 divisions | Display Brightness | Adjustable | Interface | RS-232C port | DB-9port | USB port | 2 sets USB 2.0 high-speed host port; 1setUSB 2.0 high speed device port | Ethernet | RJ-45 port, 10/100Mbps | VGAVideoPort | DB-15port, SVGA monitor output | Line Output | 3.5mm stereo output jack for Go/NoGo audio alarm | GPIB(Optional) | USB to GPIB converter | Go/NoGo BNC | Maximum 5V /10mA TTL open collector ouput | Kensington Style Lock | Rear panel security slot connects to standard Kensington style lock | Power Source | LineVoltageRange | AC 100V ~ 240V, 48Hz ~ 63Hz, Auto selection | Miscellaneous | Multi-language Menu | Available | On-line Help | Available | Time clock | Time and Data ,Provide the Data/Time for saved data | Dimensions and Weight | 400(W) x 200(H) x 130(D), approx. 4 kg. | 使用手冊一本,電源線一條 GTP-151R: 150MHz(10:1/1:1) 可切換被動探棒,用於GDS-3152/ 3154 (一通道一條) GTP-251R: 250MHz(10:1/1:1) 可切換被動探棒,用於GDS-3252/ 3254 (一通道一條) GTP-351R: 350MHz(10:1/1:1) 可切換被動探棒,用於GDS-3252/ 3254 (一通道一條) 選購配件 GTC-001 | 設備車,450(W) x 430(D)mm (120V 輸入插座) | GTC-002 | 設備車,330(W) x 430(D)mm (120V 輸入插座) | GTL-110 | 測試導線,BNC至BNC接頭導線 | GTL-232 | RS-232C纜線,9-pin母接口對9-pin母接口,Null Modem for computer | GTL-242 | USB 1.1纜線,A-B 型,4P,1800mm | 插動探棒 | GDP-025: 25MHz 高電壓插動探棒 GDP-050: 50MHz 高電壓插動探棒 GDP-100: 100MHz 高電壓插動探棒 | 電流探棒 | GCP-530: 50MHz/ 30A 電流探棒 GCP-1030: 100MHz/ 30A 電流探棒 GCP-206P: 電源供應器以支援電流探棒 (2個輸入通道) GCP-425P: 電源供應器以支援電流探棒 (4個輸入通道) |    GDS-3152 150MHz,2通道,彩色 LCD顯示數位儲存示波器 GDS-3154 150MHz,4通道,彩色 LCD顯示數位儲存示波器 GDS-3252 250MHz,2通道,彩色 LCD顯示數位儲存示波器 GDS-3254 250MHz,4通道,彩色 LCD顯示數位儲存示波器 GDS-3352 350MHz,2通道,彩色 LCD顯示數位儲存示波器 GDS-3354 350MHz,4通道,彩色 LCD顯示數位儲存示波器 選購 GUG-001 | GPIB至USB轉接器 | DS3-SBD | 串列匯流排量測軟體: I2C / SPI/ UART (只適合4通道機型) | DS3-PWR | 功率量測軟體: 電源品質量測/ 諧波量測/ 漣波量測 (In-rush current) | | | | |