- 型号:安捷伦83438A宽谱光源
- 产地:其它
- 供应商:深圳市中测仪修光电技术有限公司
- 供应商报价:电议
- 标签:宽谱光源,光学仪器,光学仪表,供应宽谱光源,深圳市中测仪修光电技术有限公司
详细说明 |
Description In conjunction with an optical spectrum analyzer, the incoherent light source Agilent 83438A allows you to measure insertion loss, crosstalk, bandwidth, polarization dependencies,and other parameters of passive optical components versus wavelength. The Agilent 83438A provides more than +6 dBm in the 1550 nm window, allowing you to characterize advanced components such as isolators, circulators, add/drop multiplexers, gratings, or demultiplexers for dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) systems. |