WS-6908 SAT-LINK专业寻星仪出口搜星仪调星仪器(外销热卖款)
- 产地:上海
- 供应商:上海乔宜实业有限公司
- 供应商报价: 730.00¥/台
- 标签:WS-6908 SAT-LINK专业寻星仪出口搜星仪调星仪器(外销热卖款),WS-6908 SAT-LINK专业寻星仪出口搜星仪调星仪器(外销热卖款)价格,WS-6908 SAT-LINK专业寻星仪出口搜星仪调星仪器(外销热卖款)厂家
NO. | Name | Function |
1 | 信号输入口signal input port | 连接天线connect antenna |
2 | LCD显示屏LCD screen | 显示菜单和节目图像 shows menu and image of programs |
3 | 锁定指示灯 lock indicator light | 信号锁定时灯亮 This light will be on when signal is locked. |
4 | 充电指示灯charge light | 充电灯亮,充饱熄灭 This light will be on when it is charging and off when it is full. |
5 | 电源指示灯power light | 开机灯亮 The light will be on when the meter is on. |
6 | 22K指示灯22K indicator | 22K打开指示灯亮 This light will be on when it is controlled by 22K. |
7 | 13/18V指示灯13V/18V indicator | 水平/垂直切换输出指示 V/H switch output indication |
8 | Fprefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" 1 F2 F3 F4 key | 功能键funtion key |
9 | ▲▼? ?OK key | 箭头键为光标移动,OK为确定 Arrow key uses to move cursor and OK key usesto confirm. |
10 | MENU key | 显示主菜单或返回前一个菜单 Shows main menu and return to previous menu |
11 | EXIT key | 取消选择和退出当前菜单 to cancel and exit from the present menu. |
12 | 0-9数字键numerical keys | 输入数字进行参数设置 to enter numerical parameter setting |
13 | +/-键add-subtract key | 空 |
14 | B.Light KEY | 开关LCD显示 Swithch LCD display |
15 | 静音键MUTE | 开关声音 to turn on or turn off the sound |
16 | TV/Radio | 电视和广播频道之间转换 Press to switch between TV and radio |
17 | M.INFO | 多频道显示快捷键 Shortcut key to display multiple programs |
18 | INFO k | 显示当前频道参数 To show parameter of current channel |
19 | USB port | 升级接口和多媒体接口 Port for Upgrade or connecting to multimedia |
20 | 电源接口Power Connection port | 外接电源接口 Port for connecting to external power supply |
21 | 电源开关Power Switch | 开启关闭整机电源 to turn on and turn offthe meter’s power |
22 | AV输出口AV output | 视音频输出audio and vedio output |
23 | AV输入口AV input | 视音频输入audio and vedio input |