

测量范围:0.1MPa??60MPa(kPa) 精度等级:1.5联接型式:径向直接安装连接螺纹M20 × 1.5
PD北京布莱迪仪器仪表有限公司电阻远传压力表YTZPressure gauge with resistance transmitter  仪表由一个弹簧管压力表和一个滑线电阻式传感器组成,当被测压力变化时,弹簧管端产生位移,一方面通过传动系统使指针在度盘上指示相应压力,另一方面带动电刷在电阻上滑行,使被测压力值的变化转换为电阻值的变化,并传至二次仪表上指示相应的压力。The gauge is formed by a bourdon tube pressure gauge and a adjustable resistancetransmitter. When the pressure is changing, the tube end deformed, and the pointer is toshow the pressure value through the driving system, at the same time, the brush is slippingon the resistance to transmit the pressure values to resistant values, which is transmited tothe secondary gauge to show the relative pressure value.简 介  电阻远传压力表通过仪表内部的滑动电阻发送器把被测值以电量值传至远离测量点的二次仪表上,以实现集中检测和远距离控制,此外本仪表能够同时就地指示压力,(便于现场工艺检查)。本仪表还可以与膜片隔离器(隔离体)连接,制成电阻远传隔膜压力表,可测量腐蚀性较强、黏度大、易结晶介质的压力。PD ·05 - 1BRIEF INTRODUCTION  Through the built-in adjustable resistance transmitter, 840 series gauges can transmit the measuredvalues to the secondary gauges far from the site and achieve the concentrated examination and remotecontrol. Meanwhile, the gauges can indicate the pressure value (for spot technical inspection). It can beconnected with deaphragm insulator, making pressure gauge with resistance transmitter, Designed forstrong corrosive, viscous and easy to be crystallographic media.工作原理OperatingprinciplePD(37) 35 2008.11.6, 3:59 PMBEIJING BRIGHTY INSTRUMENT CO.,LTD.MODEL YTZYTZ 主要技术参数YTZ Specifications测量介质:对铜合金无腐蚀作用气体或液体Medium: Gas or liquid, whice doesn’t corrode(可与多类化学密封隔离器配 copper alloy (could be used in corrosion接在各种腐蚀性的环境中使用) environments connected chemical seals.)安装方式:径向直接安装连接螺纹M20 × 1.5 Mounting: Bottom connection direct(或其他螺纹尺寸) thread M20 × 1.5 or other精度等级:1.5 级Accuracy: 1.5%外径:150mm Diameter: 150mm测量范围:正压:0.1MPa??60MPa; Range: Positive pressure 0.1MPa??60MPa;     负压:-0.1~0MPa,-0.1~2.4MPa。 Negative pressure -0.1~0MPa, -0.1~2.4MPa工作条件: Working condition:环境温度:-40~70℃ Ambient temperature: -40~70℃相对湿度:≤ 85% Relative humidity: ≤ 85%工作压力:使用温度偏离20 ± 5℃时,其温Working pressure: When working temperature度附加误差不大于0.4%/10℃ deviates from 20 ± 5℃. theadditional temperature error shall                            not be more than 0.4%/10℃滑线电阻发送器技术数据: Technical data of resistance tramsmitter起始电阻:6~20 Ω Start resistance: 6~20 Ω满度电阻:340~400 Ω Full scale resistance: 340~400 Ω接线端外加电阻:≤ 6V Connection end additional resistance: ≤ 6V外壳材质:压铸合金铝Case: Cast aluminium alloy接头材质:铜合金Socket material: Copper alloy波登管:铜合金Bourdon tube: copper alloy表盘:铝,白地黑字Dial aluminum: white with black division指针:铝,黑色Pointer: Aluminium, black玻璃:普通玻璃Glass: Window glassPD ·05 - 2PD(37) 36 2008.11.6, 3:59 PMPD北京布莱迪仪器仪表有限公司仪表几何尺寸 DIMENSIONS量程范围规格代码表 TABLE OF RANGES选型代码code 量程规格ranges 选型代码code 量程规格ranges 选型代码code 量程规格rangesM500 -0.1 — 0MPa M030 0.1MPa M180 4MPaM510 -0.1 — 0.06MPa M040 0.16MPa M200 6MPaM520 -0.1 — 0.15MPa M060 0.25MPa M220 10MPaM530 -0.1 — 0.3MPa M080 0.4MPa M230 16MPaM540 -0.1 — 0.5MPa M100 0.6MPa M240 25MPaM550 -0.1 — 0.9MPa M120 1MPa M270 40MPaM560 -0.1 — 1.5MPa M140 1.6MPa M280 60MPaM570 -0.1 — 2.4MPa M160 2.5MPa量 程 RANGES接线示意图 WIRING DIAGRAMMODEL YTZPD ·05 - 3Full scaleBeginningEarth YellowRedPD(37) 37 2008.11.6, 3:59 PMBEIJING BRIGHTY INSTRUMENT CO.,LTD.如何选型 HOW TO ORDERMODEL YTZPD ·05 - 4外 径Diameter量 程Ranges连 接 螺 纹Connection备 选 项Options安 装方式Mounting型号代码特性说明CODE CHARACTERISTICSYTZ 电阻远传压力表Pressure gauge with resistance transmiting150 Ф 150mm1 径向直接安装Bottom mounting directM030 0.1MPa 请参看量程代码表See range tableM20 20 × 1.5T00 其它特殊要求的螺纹Other special scrow threadsFWP 不锈钢位号Pai Stainless sted labelTOB 特殊标记表盘 Special mark olialFHG 配接密封隔离体 Connected with seal insulations基本型号Basic type- · · · ·PD(37) 38 2008.11.6, 3:59 PM
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