MOISTURE METER 纸张水分仪 便携式水分检测仪石家庄商
- 产地:河北 石家庄市
- 供应商:石家庄市中轻恒伟机械有限公司
- 供应商报价: 1456.00¥/台
- 标签:MOISTURE METER 纸张水分仪 便携式水分检测仪石家庄商,MOISTURE METER 纸张水分仪 便携式水分检测仪石家庄商价格,MOISTURE METER 纸张水分仪 便携式水分检测仪石家庄商厂家
纸张水分仪应用日本先进的传感器,采用高周波原理制成,准确测量纸板、纸张、瓦楞纸箱、木材等水分。可在卷纸机上测量,也可在纸垛上测定纸张水分。是造纸、包装、科研及质检等行业和部门理想的辅助试验设备。符合QB/T1671 标准产品特点:1. 测定范围广:适用于各类型纸制品。2. 轻便灵巧:约重200 克,长约160mm,小巧玲珑,便于携带,适合现场使用。3. 无损检测:废除了扎针,只需将探头轻轻接触纸张表面,即能显示纸张含水率,且不 会损坏纸张。4. 直观便捷: 测定快速并直接以数字显示。5. 简单快捷: 设置了种类修正,保证仪器对各类型纸张的含水率准确测定。主要技术参数:1. 测定方式:高频电磁波感应式2. 测量范围:0~60%3. 分 辨 率:0.1%4. 温度补偿:-10℃~ +100℃5. 显 示:3?LCD 液晶数字显示6. 电 源:9V(6F22 型)电池一节7. 尺 寸:160×60×27(mm)8. 重 量:约200g

CONNECTIONSElectrical: None RequiredzFEATURES1. Smart light: FD-G1, weighing about 200 grams, length 160mm, small and easy to carry, suitable for field use.2. Non-destructive testing: FD-G1 abolished an acupuncture treatment, just to gently probe the surface of contact paper that can show the moisture content of paper, and will not damage the paper.3. Intuitive and convenient: FD-G1 and directly to the rapid determination of the figures. 4. Simple and quick: FD-G1 set up the types of amendments to ensure that equipment for all types of paper and accurate determination of moisture content.SPECIFICATIONS1. Determination of the way: high-frequency electro magnetic induction2. Measuring range: 0 ~ 60%3. Resolution: 0.1%4. Temperature Compensation: -10 ~ +1005. Display: 3 LCD liquid crystal digital display6. Power: 9V (6F22) batteries 17. Size: 160 *60 *27 (mm)8. Weight: about 200gSTANDARDS Meets QB/T 1671APPLICATIONS Paper. paper board. Corrugated cardboard, Corrugated Package.FDG1 MOISTURE METERINTRODUCTION FDG1 type moisture meter applied Japanese paper-art sensors, made using high-frequency principle, accurate measurement of cardboard, paper, corrugated boxes, water timber. Can be measured in the rolls of paper machine can also be measured in the paper stack of paper on the water. The paper, packaging, research and quality control departments, such as industry and ideal for test equipment support.