品Pai:元茂 | 型号:SHP-450 | 工作室尺寸:600x710x1000(mm) |
温度范围:5~50(℃) | 温度波动度:± 0.5(℃) | 类型:生化培养箱 |
SHP型 生化培养箱 SHP Series Low Temperature Indcubator一.用途概述:用于环境保护、卫生防疫、药检、农副、水产等科研、院校、生产部门,是水体分析和BOD测定、细菌、霉菌、微生物和培养、保存,植物栽培、育种试验的专用设备。二、产品特点:1、 采用镜面不锈钢内胆,四角半圆弧易清洁,箱内搁板间可调。2、 电脑智能控温仪,具有设定、测定温度双数字显示和PID自整功能,控温精确、可靠。3、 采用双重六结构,隔热性能好。内门采用全钢化玻璃门,打开外门,观察箱内情况时不影响箱内温度。4、 模块式制冷装置,配置延时启动,高、低压力多重保护。I. Application:It is applicable to water analysis and the BOD determination, bacterium, mold, microorgaism`s raise, the preservation , breeding experiment special-use equipment in the environmental protection, the hygienic guard, medicine examines, the agriculture vice-,scient

产品名称 Products | 生化培养箱 Low Constant Incubator | 低温生化培养箱 Low temperature Incubator |
型号 Model | SHP-080 | SHP-150 | SHP-250 | SHP-350 | SHP-450 | SHP-1500 | SHP-2500 |
电源电压 Mains voltage | 220V.50Hz |
控温范围 Temperature control range | 5~50 ℃ | -10~50 ℃ |
温度波动 Temperature fluctuation | ± 0.5 ℃ | ± 1 ℃ |
消耗功率 Consumption power | 600W | 700W | 800W | 1450W | 1700 | 1100W | 1650W |
工作室尺寸 Dimensions of the working chamber | 400 × 400 × 500mm | 500 × 450 × 650mm | 600 × 550 × 750mm | 600 × 550 × 1000mm | 600 × 710 × 1000mm | 500 × 450 × 650mm | 600 × 550 × 750mm |