
ENZ-308 Taq DNA聚合酶

Catalogue NumberENZ-308
Synonyms DNA polymerase I thermostable, EC, Taq polymerase 1.
Description Taq DNA Polymerase(a) is a thermostable enzyme of approximately 94 kDa isolated from Thermus aquaticus. This unmodified enzyme replicates DNA at 74°C and exhibits a half-life of 40 minutes at 95°C. The enzyme catalyzes the polymerization of nucleotides into duplex DNA in the 5´~3´ direction in the presence of magnesium and also possesses a 5´~3´ exonuclease activity. Taq DNA Polymerase is recommended for use in PCR but is not recommended for use in DNA sequencing reactions.
Source Recombinant e.coli contains Thermus aquaticus polymerase gene.
Formulation Taq DNA Polymerase solution in 20mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 100mM KCl, 0.1mM EDTA, 5mM DTT, 50% Glycerol, 0.5% NP40, 0.5% Tween 20.
Unit Definition One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme required to catalyze the incorporation of 10nmol of dNTP into acid-insoluble material in 30 minutes at 74°C. The reaction conditions are: 50mM Tris-HCl (pH 9.0 at 25°C), 50mM NaCl, 5mM MgCl2, 200μm each of dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP (a mix of unlabeled and [3H]dTTP), 10?g activated calf thymus DNA and 0.1mg/ml BSA in a final volume of 50ul. 10X Reaction Buffer with MgCl2500mM KCl, 100mM Tris-HCl (pH 9.0 at 25C), 1% Triton X-100 and 15mM MgCl2. Buffer is optimized for use with 0.2mM of each dNTP.

10X Reaction Buffer without MgCl2500mM KCl, 100mM Tris-HCl (pH 9.0 at 25C) and 1% Triton X-100.
Include : 10X Reaction Buffer without MgCl2 and separate 25mM MgCl2 Solution.
Features Depend on an Enzyme That Works: Compositions of the storage buffers have been optimized to assure quality performance of the enzyme under a variety of conditions. Specify Your Own Reaction ConditionsChoose either Taq with Mg-free 10X Reaction Buffer and separate 25mM MgCl2 or Taq with 10X Reaction Buffer containing 15mM MgCl2. Rely on a Performance-Tested EnzymeOur PCR systems, enzymes and reagents are proven in PCR to ensure reliable, high-performance results. If you are not completely satisfied with any of our PCR product, we will send a replacement or refund your account.
Applications PCR, 3´ A-tailing of blunt ends, compatible with Vectors.
Storage Conditions Stable for 5 days at 10°C, for longer period of time store at -20°C.
Storage Buffer Compatibility with Reaction Buffers: Taq DNA Polymerase in Storage Buffer. Use of other reaction buffers that do not contain Triton X-100 (final concentration of 0.1%) will result in inactivation of the enzyme.

50mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 100mM NaCl, 0.1mM EDTA, 1mM DTT, 50% glycerol and 1% Triton X-100.
Quality Control Tests PCR, activity, SDS-PAGE/purity, endonuclease/nickase.
Usage Prospec's products are furnished for LABORATORY RESEARCH USE ONLY. The product may not be used as drugs, agricultural or pesticidal products, food additives or household chemicals.
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货号A1828,0250   Trypsin inhibitor from soybean >7000 BAEE      胰蛋白酶YZ剂    250mg    ¥516
货号A1847,0025   Dextran 70000 BioChemica       葡聚糖 7000 25g ¥398
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货号A2115,0050   Agarose high EEO       琼脂糖 高EEO     50g ¥1,403
货号A2116,0050   Agarose medium EEO        琼脂糖 中EEO     50g ¥1,403
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货号A2204,0500   Polyethylene glycol 8000 BioChemica (PEG8000)       PEG8000 500g       ¥320
货号A2221,0500   Salicylic acid pure Ph. Eur., USP   水杨酸    500g       ¥365
货号A2228,0025   Tetracycline hydrochloride BioChemica 四环素盐酸盐       25g ¥320
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货号A2249,0025   Dextran 40000 BioChemica       葡聚糖 4000 25g ¥398
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货号A2403,0500   Sodium citrate dihydrate p. A.       二水柠檬酸钠       500g       ¥410
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货号A3762,0010   Agarose Low Melt Large DNA grade    琼脂糖 低熔点(大DNA片段)       10g ¥1,513
货号A3787,0500   α-Chymotrypsin from bovine pancreas Grade II胰凝乳蛋白酶/糜蛋白酶 II级     500mg    ¥510
货号A3930,0025   Rhodamin B (C.I. 45170)      罗丹明B 25g ¥352
货号A4011,0005   CHAPS Molecular biology grade   CHAPS   5g    ¥1,728
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货号A4090,0025   Lipase from porcine pancreas       脂肪酶 (猪)     25g ¥508
货号A4148,0025   Trypsin 1:250 from porcine pancreas   猪胰蛋白酶(1:250)   25g ¥1,453
货号A4259,0250   SDS pure Ph. Eur   十二烷基磺酸钠    250g       ¥386
货号A4289,0025   Pepsin    胃蛋白酶       25g ¥386
货号A4338,0010   β-Mercaptoethanol BioChemica   β-巯基乙醇 100ml     ¥358
货号A4392,0001   Proteinase K - Solution   蛋白酶K溶液       1ml ¥463
货号A4412,0100   DNA Marker Phage Lambda - BstE II (lyophilised)      DNA Marker (入噬菌体 酶切)      100μg    ¥953
货号A4522,0100   tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate Molecular biology grade   二水柠檬酸钠       100g       ¥334
货号A4532,0250   Trypsinogen   胰蛋白酶原    250mg    ¥834
货号A4619,00005 Antifade Antifade 0,5ml      ¥318
货号A4669,0001   Glucose Oxidase from Aspergillus niger, low catalase 葡萄糖氧化酶       1ml ¥709
货号A4725,0100   Tris : Tris · HCl - Mixture (pH 8.8) Tris :HCl (pH 8.8) 100g       ¥1,334
货号A4730,0050   MES monohydrate Molecular Biology grade MES(一水)     50g ¥545
货号A4942,0005   Taq DNA Polymerase Reaction buffer (10X) complete       Taq DNA聚合酶 反应缓冲液     5ml ¥320
货号A4978,0100   X-Gal Molecular Biology grade     X-Gal      100mg    ¥424
货号A5069,0010   Coenzyme Q10 BioChemica   辅酶Q /泛醌 10mg      ¥410
货号A5194,0005   DNA Marker Phage Lambda - Sty I      DNA Marker (入噬菌体 酶切)      50μg     ¥457
货号A5196,0005   DNA pUC19 Plasmid     pUC19质粒DNA   0,05mg   ¥1,585
货号A5197,0005   DNA Phage T7       T7噬菌体DNA     0.05mg   ¥2,398
货号A5220,0005   DNA Marker Phage Lambda - BstE II   DNA Marker (入噬菌体 酶切)      50μg     ¥434
货号A5223,0005   DNA Marker Phage Lambda - Hind III DNA Marker (入噬菌体 酶切)      50μg     ¥347
货号A5238,0500   Protein Marker I (14-116)     蛋白质marker I 14-116kD    500μl     ¥738
货号A5434,0100   Taq DNA Polymerase DNA-free    Taq DNA聚合酶   100U/ml ¥850
货号A5474,0025   Rhodamine 6G (C.I. 45160) 罗丹明6G      25g ¥445
货号A5589,0100   DNA Marker Phage Lambda Hind III (lyophilised)       DNA Marker (入噬菌体 酶切)      100μg    ¥947
货号A6352,0025   Ampicillin sodium salt pure Ph. Eur.     氨苄青霉素钠盐    25g ¥826
货号A6435,0050   Chloramphenicol pure Ph. Eur.      氯霉素    50g ¥354
货号A6611,0010   Albumin_ human    白蛋白 (人)     10mg      ¥521
货号A6611,0100   Albumin, human     白蛋白 (人)     100mg    ¥461
货号A6775,0005   Azure B (C.I. 52010)     天青B/天蓝B /三甲硫紫      5g    ¥676
货号A6872,0250   D-Glucosamine hydrochloride BioChemica   D-葡萄糖胺   250g       ¥1,207
货号A6932,0500   Bradford - Solution for Protein determination       Bradford蛋白定量溶液 500ml     ¥1,223
货号A6980,0025   Pepsinogen II, human    胃蛋白酶原II,人源    25μg     ¥1,133
货号A7002,0025   Neomycin sulfate pure Ph. Eur.     新霉素    25g ¥432
货号A7003,0100   Streptomycin sulfate pure Ph. Eur.       硫酸链霉素    100g       ¥950
货号A7016,500     TBS (Tris-buffered saline, 10X)    TBS       500ml     ¥1,069
货号A7086,0001   Lithium 3,5-diiodosalicylate   3,5-二碘水杨酸锂 1g    ¥628
货号A7282,0250   Betaine hydrochloride pure    甜菜碱    250g       ¥553
货号A7686,0005   5-Fluorouracil (BioChemica) 5-氟尿嘧啶    5g    ¥613
货号A7686,0005   5-Fluorouracil (BioChemica) 5-氟尿嘧啶    5g    ¥613
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货号CYT-209       重组人白介素-2    Human IL-2    10µg       ¥900
货号CYT-211重组人白介素-4    IL-4 2µg ¥900
货号CYT-213       重组人白介素-6    IL-6 5µg ¥900
货号CYT-216       重组人胰岛素样生长因子-1 Human IGF-1 20µg       ¥900
货号CYT-222A     重组小鼠粒细胞巨噬细胞集落刺激因子    mGMCSF      2μg       ¥900
货号CYT-223       重组人肿瘤坏死因子-a hTNF-a 10µg       ¥900
货号CYT-227       重组大鼠瘦素       rLeptin    20µg       ¥900
货号CYT-241A     重组人血管内皮生长因子    VEGF     2μg       ¥900
货号CYT-280       重组人脂联素       Acrp30    5µg ¥900
货号CYT-289       重组大鼠胰岛素样生长因子-1    rIGF-1    10μg     ¥900
货号CYT-318       重组人内脂素       Visfatin Hu      25µg       ¥1,900
货号CYT-318       重组人内脂素       Visfatin Hu      5µg ¥900
货号CYT-326       重组小鼠表皮生长因子       mEGF     100µg     ¥900
货号CYT-336       重组小鼠血管内皮生长因子       mVEGF   2µg ¥900
货号CYT-382A     重组大鼠白介素-2 rIL-2       5µg ¥900
货号CYT-388       重组大鼠白介素-6 rIL-6       2µg ¥900
货号CYT-394       重组大鼠白介素-1β    rIL 1 beta       2µg ¥900
货号CYT-405       重组猪肿瘤坏死因子-a rpTNF-a 5µg ¥900
货号CYT-446A     重组人白介素-13 IL 13       2µg ¥900
货号CYT-569       重组人活化素-A    Activin-A 2µg ¥900
货号CYT-569       重组人活化素-A    Activin-A 2µg ¥900
货号CYT-580       重组人色素上皮衍生因子    PEDF      20µg       ¥1,900
货号ENZ-308       Taq DNA聚合酶(4支一套)    TaqDNA 1,000U    ¥900
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Human HDL 高密度脂蛋白胆固醇 Specifications :MF, AF, C (10mg/ml);Source:Human blood ;Purity:98% 2mg 1200
DiI-HDL DiI 荧光标记高密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF , C;Source:Human blood;Purity:98% ;300ug 2300
[I125] Human HDL 碘125标记人高密度脂蛋白pecifications :MF, AF, (100-300cpm/ng); Source:Human blood; 300uCi 2800
Human LDL人低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, C (2-4mg/ml;Source:Human blood;Purity :98% 2mg 1200
DiI-LDL DiI标记人低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, C;Source :Human blood 300ug 2300
[I125] Human LDL 碘125标记人低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, (100-300cpm/ng) , C;Source :Human blood;Purity :98% 100uCi 2600
DiO-LDL DiO标记人低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, C;Source :Human blood 300ug 2700
Human Ac-LDL 人乙酰化低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, (2mg/ml), C;Source :Human blood;Purity :98% 2mg 1200
DiI-Ac-LDL DiI标记乙酰化人低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, (200ug/ml), C;Source :Human blood 200ug 2800
Dio-Ac-LDL DiO标记乙酰化人低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, (200ug/ml), C;Source :Human blood 300ug 2300
[I125] Human Ac-LDL 碘125标记乙酰化人低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, (100-300cpm/ng), C;Source :Human blood;Purity :98% 100uCi 2600
Human Ox-LDL 人氧化低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, Tbars, (1.5-2.5mg/ml), C;Source :Human blood;Purity :98% 2mg 1200
DiI-Ox-LDL DiI标记人氧化低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, (200ug/Vial), C;Source :Human blood 300ug 2300
[I125] Ox-LDL 碘125标记人氧化低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, Tbars, (100-300cpm/ng), C ;Source :Human blood;Purity :98% 100uCi 2600
Human Lp[a] 人脂蛋白a pecifications :Contains 0.01% Azide ;Source :Human blood;Purity :98% 2mg 1200
Human VLDL 人极低密度脂蛋白 pecifications :MF, AF, C (1-2mg/ml) ;Source :Human blood;Purity :98% 2mg 1200
DiI-VLDL DiI标记的人极低密度脂蛋白
[I125] Human VLDL 碘125标记的人极低密度脂蛋白
Lipoprotein Deficient H.Plasma 去脂蛋白血清
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