标准品 Quality Control多项违禁品质控检测
- 型号:标准品
- 产地:广州
- 供应商:广州健仑生物科技有限公司
- 供应商报价:面议
- 标签:Quality Control多项违禁品质控检测,-1,广州健仑生物科技有限公司
品牌 | 其他品牌 | 供货周期 | 现货 |
Quality Control多项违禁品质控检测
规格:3瓶/盒 10ml/瓶
1. 质控品的来源:
2. 定值方法:
Quality Control多项违禁品质控检测
名称 | 英文名 | 尿检为阳性的时间段(用药后),仅供参考 | 备注 |
MOP | Morphine, the main component of heroin | 2小时-4天 | A variety of drugs can be detected in time will be positive individual differences, the metabolic rate and detection results and taking individual, route of Administration (suction, oral, injection) and each dosage has a great relationship. In general, the metabolism of injection speed, quickly urine can be positive, other treatment methods is relatively slow. A large amount of urine test lasted for a long time |
MAMP | Morphine / methamphetamine | 1小时-3天 | |
MDMA | Two, two methoxy amphetamine, commonly known as "ecstasy"" | 1小时-5小时 | |
KET | Ketamine (k) | 2小时-4小时 | |
AMP | Amphetamine, also called benzene acetone | 2小时-1天 | |
COC | Cocaine, also called cocaine | 4小时-1天 | |
BZO | Benzene, two nitrogen Zhuo (diazepam, three Lun Lun, etc.) | 2小时-3天 | |
THC | hemp | 2小时-56小时 | |
BAR | Barbiturates | 4小时-4天 | |
MTD | Methadone | 2小时-2天 | |
PCP | Benzene ring piperidine, commonly known as "angel powder. | 2小时-12小时 | |
TCA | Tricyclic antidepressants | 4小时-5天 | |
BUP | Buprenorphine | 1小时-5天 |
【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-3室
世纪初,人们发现在不同种属或同种不同个体间进行正常组织或肿瘤时出现的排斥反应是由细胞表面主要组织相容性分子(MHC Ⅰ/Ⅱ类分子)决定的。此后,人们又注意到 T 细胞识别抗原时,存在 MHC 的限制性即 T 细胞抗原受体 (TCR) 在识别异己抗原时,同时识别自身 MHC 分子。人们对白细胞分化抗原 (CD) 的大量研究,揭示了 T 细胞亚群的功能、细胞激活途经和膜信号的转导及细胞分化过程中的调控等机制。此外,在研究细胞毒性T 细胞(CTL)杀伤作用时,发现 CTL 表达的 FasL 可与靶细胞表达的 Fas 结合,引起靶细胞内半胱天冬蛋白酶(cassase)级联活化,裂解 DNA ,导致靶细胞死亡称为细胞程序性死亡(CD)或细胞凋亡(aotosis)。六、应用免疫学的发展 年 Kohler 和 Milstein *杂交瘤技术。他们将小鼠瘤细胞和经绵羊红细胞(SRBC)致敏的 B 细胞在体外进行融合形成杂交瘤(hybridoma)。这种杂交瘤细胞既保持了瘤细胞大量无限制生长繁殖的特性,又具有合成和分泌抗体的能力。应用该技术可产生均一的、只针对单一抗原决定基的抗体,称为单克隆抗体(McAb)。McAb 具有纯度高、特异性强、可大量生产等优点,已被广泛应用于血清学诊断、免疫细胞及其它组织细胞表面分子的检测,并通过与核素、各种毒素或药物化学偶联进行肿瘤导向ZL研究。
At the turn of the century, it was discovered that rejection of normal tissues or tumors between different species or individuals of the same species is determined by the major histocompatibility molecules (MHC class I/II molecules) on the cell surface. Since then, people have noticed that when T cells recognize antigens, there is a restriction of MHC, that is, the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) recognizes its own MHC molecules at the same time when it recognizes heterophil antigens. A large number of studies on leukocyte differentiation antigens (CDs) have revealed the function of T cell subsets, cell activation pathways, and transduction of membrane signals, and regulation during cell differentiation. In addition, when studying the killing effect of cytotoxic T cells (CTLs), it was found that FasL expressed by CTLs can bind to Fas expressed by target cells, causing activation of the caspase cascade in target cells, cleaving DNA, and causing targets. Cell death is called programmed cell death (CD) or aotosis. Sixth, the development of applied immunology Kohler and Milstein first hybridoma technology. They fused mouse myeloma cells and sheep erythrocyte (SRBC)-sensitized B cells in vitro to form a hybridoma. This hybridoma cell not only maintains the unrestricted growth and reproduction characteristics of myeloma cells, but also has the ability to synthesize and secrete antibodies. The use of this technique produces a uniform antibody that targets only a single epitope, called a monoclonal antibody (McAb). McAb has the advantages of high purity, specificity, and mass production. It has been widely used in serological diagnosis, detection of cell surface molecules in immune cells and other tissues, and chemical coupling with nuclide, various toxins or drugs. Tumor-oriented treatment research.