- 品牌:上海宇玫博
- 产地:上海
- 供应商:上海宇玫博生物科技有限公司
- 供应商报价:面议
- 标签:DSS诱导的肠炎模型,-1,上海宇玫博生物科技有限公司
1. 将老鼠随机分组;
2. 对照组每天饮用灭菌水;
3. 模型组每天饮用3.5%DSS至第6天,从第7天开始换为灭菌水,至第12天;
4. 实验开始后,每天对老鼠进行观察,称重和评分;
5. 肠炎观察指标包括: 体重; 拉稀程度;结肠病变情况等
Brief protocol of DSS induced IBD model
1. Mice 6-8 weeks old, female; Random divided into several groups;
2. DSS concentration 3.5%, control group treated with drink water;
3. DSS treatment DSS in drink water from Day 1 to Day 6 and changed to drink water from Day 7 to Day 12;
4. Observation Mice are observed by measuring body weight twice a week in the first cycle. When obvious weight loss appears, mouse weight is measured on daily basis.
5. Clinical colitis analysis colitis scoring based on Weight loss, Rectal bleeding, Colon shortening, Colon tissue damage.