
burkert 00423980 宝德流量计底座

品牌 burkert/德国宝德

burkert 00423980 宝德流量计底座,宝德流量计由宝德流量计表盘(宝德流量计电子模块)和宝德流量计底座组成,burkert 00423980是宝德S030的一个订货号,欢迎前来咨询更多有关burkert流量计的资料。Z大压力达40bar连接方式多样。

The sensor-fitting S030 has a built-in paddle wheel to measure the flow rate. When liquid flows through the pipe, the paddle wheel is set in rotation producing pulses which frequency is proportional to the flow rate.

burkert 00423980 宝德流量计底座特点:

• DN06 to DN65
• Closed pipe system, i.e. sensor included in fitting
• Quarter-turn technology
• Transmitter available also with extended functions- Indication, Monitoring, Transmitting
- On/Off control, Batch control


Minimum straight upstream and downstream distances must be observed. According to the pipe’s design, necessary distances can be bigger or use a flow conditioner to obtain the best accuracy. For more information, please refer to EN ISO 5167-1.
EN ISO 5167-1 prescribes the straight inlet and outlet distances that must be complied with when installing sensor-fittings in pipe lines in order to achieve calm flow conditions. The most important layouts that could lead to turbulence in the flow are shown below, together with the associated prescribed minimum inlet and outlet distances. These ensure calm, problem-free measurement conditions at the measurement point.




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