BDX51防爆检修电缆盘 移动式防爆电缆盘BDX51-16A/380V
- 品牌:润发防爆
- 产地:浙江省乐清市
- 供应商:乐清市润发电器有限公司
- 供应商报价:面议
- 标签:BDX51防爆检修电缆盘 移动式防爆电缆盘BDX51-16A/380V,-1,乐清市润发电器有限公司
BDX51防爆检修电缆盘 移动式防爆电缆盘BDX51-16A/380V
防爆动力检修电缆盘 适用范围 Applications 1.适用于爆炸性气体环境1区、2区; 2.适用于IIA、IIB、IIC级爆炸性气体环境; 3.适用于可燃性粉尘环境20区、21区、22区; 4.适用于温度组别为T1~T6的环境; 5.适用于化工、炼油、石油开采、海洋石油平台、油轮、 等危险场所; 1.Designed for Explosive atmosphere Zone 1 and Zone 2 2.Designed for Groups IIA,IIB,IIC 3.Designed for Combustible dust Zone20, Zone21,Zone22 4.Designed for Temperature classes T1-T6 5.Designed for sites with explosive atmosphere such as petroleum exploitation, refinery, chemistry, medicine, textile, printing, military and military etc.
BDX51防爆检修电缆盘 移动式防爆电缆盘BDX51-16A/380V 1.防爆插销壳体为铸铝合金,表面喷塑; 2.内可装带漏电保护小型断路器; 3.插座与插头设有联锁装置,断电后方能插拔; 4.电缆盘转动灵活,移动时有托架及行走轮,移动方便; 5.电缆长度标准配置为30米,可根据要求加长至100米; 6.电缆布线。 1.The enclosure of explosion-proof bolt are cast with aluminium alloy, the surface is sprayed with plastic; 2.Built-in creepage protection mini circuit breaker; 3.The socket and plug are interlocked, so they are drawn out after cutting the power; 4.The cable plate can be turned actively and moved easily because of the bracket and moving wheels; 5.Cable length (standard):30m,the length can be added to 100m on request; 6.Wiring with cable. |