
BA4300/BA4100;BA4400 德国LABOM朗博 压力传感器 压力变送器 防爆压力传感器压力控制器


德国LABOM朗博 压力传感器 压力变送器 防爆压力传感器压力控制器 电子压力传感器 进口温度传感器,进口静压液位计,德国LABOM压力表 CI4100/4110/4120/CV310/3110/311/CS2100/2110/CA21?

LABOM在工业过程的压力和温度测量领域处于技术和质量ling先位置已逾40余年。这个德国公司一直专注于测量和监控压力、温度、液位以及流量的变化。LABOM设备目前已广泛应用于范围的过程及其他工业领域。Frontalansicht der LABOM Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH in Hude
除提供广泛的标准应用产品,LABOM同时倾力于为客户提身定制级的 解决方案。

LABOM目前共有160余名员工。我们在德国本土以及的技术办公室及代表处可为您提供专业的技术咨询和现场服务。质量与用户满意度是支撑LABOM经营理念和行动的基础。我们的质量管理体系遵照DIN EN ISO9001:2008,压力设备生产指导方针97/23/EC 以及 ATEX 94/9/EC。应用于卫生领域的LABOM产品均遵照GMP生产规范制造,符合FDA(美国国家食品与药物管理局 )以及EHEDG(欧洲卫生工程设计集团)标准。

CHIFEE  压力 温度 流量 液位 泵阀


黄永:139 1551 3800

189 6214 0620

 1606248496    天道酬勤








MP: /


Pressure transmitter PASCAL Ci4 for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology, Type series CI4110


Pressure transmitter PASCAL Ci4for general applications, Type series CI4100Pressure transmitter PASCAL CVfor general applications, Type series CV3100, CV3101

Pressure transmitter PASCAL CVfor general applications, Type series CV3100, CV3101Pressure transmitter PASCAL CV with diaphragm sealsfor chemica/petrochemical industry, Type series CV3120/CV3121-...-D..

Pressure transmitter/pressure switch PASCAL CSfor food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology, Type series CS2110

Pressure transmitter/Pressure switch PASCAL CSfor general applications, Type series CS2100Pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL CA,CB,CCfor food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology, Type series CA2110

Pressure transmitter COMPACT
Type series:CB6010;CB6011;CB6020;CB6021,CC6010;CC6011;CC6020;CC6021
for general application, internal diaphragm, Type series CB60..
Produktbild des COMPACT Druckmessumformers mit innenliegender Membran 

Measuring ranges 0…1 bar up to 0…400 bar
Linearity error including hysteresis <+ 0.2 % f.s.
Piezoresistive measuring system
Internal diaphragm
Wetted parts of stainless steel; compley welded
Stainless steel housing as standard or field housing
Degree of protection IP 65, IP 67 option
Output signal: 4…20 mA
Process temperature up to 140 °C (short term, for sterilization)

Explosion protection for gases
Classification per SIL 2
Approval German Lloyd
The device converts pressure measurements into a load-independent current signal. Because of their robust design these transmitters are suitable for use in tough environments. The process temperature is allowed up to 140 °C (short term). The transmitters have extensive circuitry which ensures electromagnetic compatibility.
Application area

● Chemical and petrochemical industry
 ● Process engineering
 ● General process technology

Druckmessumformer UNIVERSAL Heavy Duty Design
thin film sensor, Type series CB203. HDD,CB1030;CB1031;CB1032;CB2030;CB2031;CB2032
Produktbild des UNIVERSAL Druckmessumformers für den Betrieb unter erschwerten Bedingungen 
Measuring range
- 0…25 bar up to 0…600 bar rel.
Thin film sensor element
Zero point and measuring span can be adjusted
 externally by means of a potentiometer
Stainless steel housing
Degree of protection IP 66 per DIN EN 60529
Electronic unit compley encapsulated
Wetted parts of stainless steel, compley welded
Output signal: 4…20 mA,

Explosion protection
The pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL in Heavy-Duty Design is suited for measuring of pressure of gases, vapers and liquids. Because of their robust design these transmitters are suitable for use in tough enviroments.
Application area

● Machinery construction
 ● Chemical and petrochemical industry
 ● General process technology

Differential pressure transmitter PASCAL Ci4 Delta P

for general application, Type Series CI4300

Frontalansicht der LABOM Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH in Hude
除提供广泛的标准应用产品,LABOM同时倾力于为客户提身定制级的 解决方案。
质量与用户满意度是支撑LABOM经营理念和行动的基础。我们的质量管理体系遵照DIN EN ISO9001:2008,压力设备生产指导方针97/23/EC 以及 ATEX 94/9/EC。应用于卫生领域的LABOM产品均遵照GMP生产规范制造,符合FDA(美国国家食品与药物管理局 )以及EHEDG(欧洲卫生工程设计集团)标准。
Bourdon tube pressure gauges
Druckmessger?t mit Rohrfeder in Edelstahl Ausführung - D2-015f 
stainless steel design
 as per DIN EN 837-1, DN 63,
 Type series BA41.. / BA44..

Druckmessger?t mit Rohrfeder - Edelstahl-Industrieausführung - D2-020 
stainless steel industrial design
 per DIN EN 837-1, DN 100
 Type series BA52..
Mechanisches Druckmessger?t mit Rohrfeder, hochwertige Ausführung Schutzart IP65 
high quality stainless steel design
 per DIN EN 837-1 S1, degree of protection
 IP 65, DN 100/160
 Type series BA42.. / BA43..
Druckmessger?te mit Rohrfeder - Hochwertige Edelstahl Ausführung, Feinmessausführung - D2-026-1 
high quality stainless steel design
 per DIN EN 837-1 S1 with bayonet ring,
 degree of protection IP 65, DN 160
 Type series BA63.. / BA66..
Druckmessger?te mit Rohrfeder - Hochwertige Edelstahl Ausführung, Manometer - D2-027 
high quality stainless steel design
 per DIN EN 837-1 S1
 case with liquid filling (IP 66)
 Type series BA42.. / BA43..
Druckmessger?te mit Rohrfeder - Edelstahl Ausführung NG 63/NG100 ECO - D2-028-5 
stainless steel design DN 63/DN100
 for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
 Type series BH5… ECO
Druckmessger?te mit Rohrfeder - Edelstahl Ausführung für Druckmittler - D2-029 
stainless steel design
 with diaphram seal connection DN 100,
 Type series BH42..
Druckmessger?te mit Rohrfeder - Pr?zisions-Druckmessger?t, Edelstahl Ausführung - D2-029-1 
precision pressure gauges
 stainless steel design with flush mounted
 miniature process connection,
 Type series BH62..
Druckmessger?te mit Rohrfeder - Edelstahl Sicherheitsdruckmessger?t - D2-030 
stainless steel
 safety pattern gauge
 per DIN EN 837-1 S3,
 Type series BA45../BA46..

Druckmessger?te mit Rohrfeder - Edelstahl Sicherheitsdruckmessger?t- D2-030-1 
stainless steel safety pattern gauge
 per DIN EN 837-1 S3, high overload protected,
 Type series BA4550/BA4560
Pressure gauge with diaphragm
Druckmessger?t mit Plattenfeder - Chemieausführung - D2-035 
per DIN EN 837-3,
 chemical design, DN 100/160,
 Type series BA2…
Pressure gauge with capsular element
Druckmessger?t mit Kapselfeder - Edelstahl-Chemieausführung - D2-039-1 
per DIN EN 837-3, stainless steel
 chemical design per DN 100/160,
 Type series BA12../BA13..
Pressure gauge for absolute pressure
Druckmessger?t für Absolutdruck - Chemieausführung mit Plattenfeder - D2-042 
with diaphragm per DIN EN 837-3,
 chemical design DN 100/160,
 Type series BB2…
Pressure gauges for differential pressure
Druckmessger?te für Differenzdruck - Mit Plattenfeder - D2-044 
with diaphragm per DIN EN 837-3,
 DN 100/160, Type series BD2…
Druckmessger?te für Differenzdruck - Mit Plattenfeder - D2-045 
with diaphragm per DIN EN 837-3,
 highly overload resistant, DN 100/160,
 Type series BD32../BD33..
Bourdon tube pressure gauges
Druckmessger?t mit Rohrfeder in Edelstahl Ausführung - D2-015f 
stainless steel design
 as per DIN EN 837-1, DN 63,
 Type series BA41.. / BA44..
Druckmessger?t mit Rohrfeder - Edelstahl-Industrieausführung - D2-020 
stainless steel industrial design
 per DIN EN 837-1, DN 100
 Type series BA52..
Mechanisches Druckmessger?t mit Rohrfeder, hochwertige Ausführung Schutzart IP65 
high quality stainless steel design
 per DIN EN 837-1 S1, degree of protection
 IP 65, DN 100/160
 Type series BA42.. / BA43..
Druckmessger?te mit Rohrfeder - Hochwertige Edelstahl Ausführung, Feinmessausführung - D2-026-1 
high quality stainless steel design
 per DIN EN 837-1 S1 with bayonet ring,
 degree of protection IP 65, DN 160
 Type series BA63.. / BA66..

Druckmessger?te mit Rohrfeder - Hochwertige Edelstahl Ausführung, Manometer - D2-027 
high quality stainless steel design
 per DIN EN 837-1 S1
 case with liquid filling (IP 66)
 Type series BA42.. / BA43..
Druckmessger?te mit Rohrfeder - Edelstahl Ausführung NG 63/NG100 ECO - D2-028-5 
stainless steel design DN 63/DN100
 for food/pharmaceutical/biotechnology,
 Type series BH5… ECO
Druckmessger?te mit Rohrfeder - Edelstahl Ausführung für Druckmittler - D2-029 
stainless steel design
 with diaphram seal connection DN 100,
 Type series BH42..
Druckmessger?te mit Rohrfeder - Pr?zisions-Druckmessger?t, Edelstahl Ausführung - D2-029-1 
precision pressure gauges
 stainless steel design with flush mounted
 miniature process connection,
 Type series BH62..
Druckmessger?te mit Rohrfeder - Edelstahl Sicherheitsdruckmessger?t - D2-030 
stainless steel
 safety pattern gauge
 per DIN EN 837-1 S3,
 Type series BA45../BA46..
Druckmessger?te mit Rohrfeder - Edelstahl Sicherheitsdruckmessger?t- D2-030-1 
stainless steel safety pattern gauge
 per DIN EN 837-1 S3, high overload protected,
 Type series BA4550/BA4560
Pressure gauge with diaphragm
Druckmessger?t mit Plattenfeder - Chemieausführung - D2-035 
per DIN EN 837-3,
 chemical design, DN 100/160,
 Type series BA2…
Pressure gauge with capsular element
Druckmessger?t mit Kapselfeder - Edelstahl-Chemieausführung - D2-039-1 
per DIN EN 837-3, stainless steel
 chemical design per DN 100/160,
 Type series BA12../BA13..
Pressure gauge for absolute pressure
Druckmessger?t für Absolutdruck - Chemieausführung mit Plattenfeder - D2-042 
with diaphragm per DIN EN 837-3,
 chemical design DN 100/160,
 Type series BB2…
Pressure gauges for differential pressure
Druckmessger?te für Differenzdruck - Mit Plattenfeder - D2-044 
with diaphragm per DIN EN 837-3,
 DN 100/160, Type series BD2…
Druckmessger?te für Differenzdruck - Mit Plattenfeder - D2-045 
with diaphragm per DIN EN 837-3,
 highly overload resistant, DN 100/160,
 Type series BD32../BD33..

Capsular pressure gauge
per DIN EN 837-3, stainless steel chemical design DN 100/160, Type series BA12.. / BA13..
Edelstahl Kapselfeder Manometer in Chemieausführung 

High quality design per DIN EN 837-3
Case DN 100/160 of stainless steel
Case with rear blow-out device per DIN EN 837-1 S1
Pressure element assembly and pressure connection of stainless steel or brass

Inspection certificates
 - material certificate as per DIN EN 10204
 - calibration certificate as per DIN EN 10204

Pressure gauge for universal use in gas engineering. With the measuring system design in stainless steel, it is possible to measure

aggressive media. Liquids and condensate should not be allowed to enter the measuring system.

Application area

● Chemical and petrochemical industry
● General process technology
● Machinery construction

Type series


Type series:BB2200;BB2300;BB2540;BB2640
Absolute pressure gauge
with diaphragm per DIN EN 837-3, chemical design DN 100/160, Type series BB2...
Produktbild NG 100/160 Plattenfeder Manometer für Absolutdruckmessung 
Case with blow-out device
Case and pressure element assembly of stainless steel
Highly overload protected
Nominal ranges 0…60 mbar abs to
 0…2500 mbar abs
Accuracy class 1.6 per DIN EN 837-3
Safety case with blow-out back and solid baffle wall
Case with liquid filling and degree
 of protection IP 66
Inspection certificates
 - material certificate as per DIN EN 10204
 - calibration certificate as per DIN EN 10204
Suitable for measuring liquids and gases. With open measuring flange designed for viscous media and media containing solids, too. The

device is fitted with a vaccum chamber, which is sealed off from the process by a membrane. Thus, enabling absolute pressures to be

Application area

● Chemical and petrochemical industry
● General process technology
● Shipping
● Machinery construction

Differential pressure gauge
Type series:BD3200;BD3240;BD3300;BD3340
with diaphragm per DIN EN 837-3, highly overload resistant DN 100/160, Type series BD32.. / BD33..
Produktbild eines hochüberlastbaren Manometers für Differenzdruckmessung 
Case and measuring flange of stainless steel, diaphragm of Duratherm
Working pressure up to 500 bar
Accuracy class 1.6 per DIN EN 837-3
Case with liquid filling
3-way valve block
Inspection certificates
 - material certificate as per DIN EN 10204
 - calibration certificate as per DIN EN 10204
For high pressure ranges with particular requirements for overload protection. Universally suitable for measuring liquids and gases, and

depending on design, for measuring aggressive media. Special models upon request. For use outdoors and in aggressive environments. Can be

supplied in shock and shake proof design with liquid filling.
Application area
 ● Chemical and petrochemical industry
 ● General process technology
 ● Shipping
 ● Machinery construction

Diaphragm pressure gauge

per DIN EN 837-1, chemical design DN 100/160, Type series BA2...

Produktbild eines Plattenfeder Manometers (Chemieausführung) 

Case with blow-out device
High overload protection up to 5 times (option: up to 20 times)
Case and pressure element assembly of stainless steel, diaphragm of Duratherm
Nominal ranges 0…20 mbar up to 0…25 bar
Accuracy class 1.6 per DIN EN 837-3

Safety case with blow-out back and solid baffle wall
Case with liquid filling and degree of
 protection IP 66
Inspection certificates
 - material certificate as per DIN EN 10204
 - calibration certificate as per DIN EN 10204


Suitable for measuring liquids and gases; with open measuring flange also designed for viscous media and media containing solids. Because

of its robust design, the device is suitable for use in tough environments.

Application area

 ● Food industry
 ● Pharmaceutical industry
 ● Biotechnology

Type series


Bourdon tube pressure gauge
Type series

with electrical contact device DN 100/160, Type series BE4...
Case DN 100/160 with rear blow-out device per
DIN EN 837-1 S1
Case and pressure element assembly of stainless steel
Electrical contact device per DIN 16085:
 - slow acting contact
 - magnetic snap contact
 - inductive contact devices

Explosion protection
Safety pattern gauge with baffle wall and blow out back per DIN EN 837-1 S3
Case with liquid filling and degree
 of protection IP 66
Classification per SIL 2
Approval German Lloyd
Connection to Zone 0
Material certificate per DIN EN 10204
Oxygen free of oil and grease
Acid gas

The bourdon tube pressure gauge with electrical contact device is suitable for use in measurement and control systems for indicating and

monitoring pre-selectable minimum and/or maximum pressure values.
 Mechanical contacts are used as slow acting contacts or with magnetic snap contacts. The devices can also be supplied with inductive

contact devices.
Application area

 ● Chemical and petrochemical industry
 ● General process technology
 ● Shipping
 ● Machinery construction
Bourdon tube pressure gauge
Type series
with diaphragm seal connection and electrical contact device, Type series BR42..
Bild zu Druckmessger?ten mit Rohrfeder 
Small temperature error by means of reduced-volume measuring element
Operating temperature up to 200 °C
Process connection via diaphragm seal product group D5
Case DN 100 and pressure element assembly of stainless steel
Instrument connection welded with diaphragm seal
Electrical contact device per DIN 16085:
 - slow acting contact
 - magnetic snap contact
 - inductive contact devices
Explosion protection
Classification per SIL 2
Material certificate per DIN EN 10204
The pressure gauge type series BR42.. has been especially constructed for the operation with diaphragm seals. A custom bourdon tube that is

reduced in volume produces a very slight temperature error. Diaphragm seals with reduced membrane surface areas may also be used. A large

selection of diaphragm seals ? D5 product category ? is available for a variety of applications.
Application area
 ● Food industry
 ● Pharmaceutical industry
 ● Biotechnology
Diaphragm pressure gauge
Type series
with electrical contact device DN 100/160, Type series BE2...
Produktbild eines Plattenfeder- Manometers mit elekrischem Grenzsignalgeber 
Case with blow-out device
High excess-pressure protection up to 5 times (option: up to 20 times)
Case and pressure element assembly of stainless steel, diaphragm of Duratherm
Nominal range 0…25 mbar up to 0…25 bar
Accuracy class per DIN 16085
Electrical contact device per DIN 16085:
 - slow acting contact
 - magnetic snap contacts
 - inductive contact devices
Explosion protection
Safety case with solid baffle wall and blow-out back
Case with liquid filling and degree
 of protection IP 66
Classification per SIL 2
Approval to German Lloyd
Connection to Zone 0
Material certificate per DIN EN 10204
Can be used as an excess pressure gauge with electrical contact device for measuring liquids and gases. Because of its robust design, it is

suitable for use in tough environments.
Application area
 ● Chemical and petrochemical industry
 ● Shipping
 ● Machinery construction
Absolute pressure gauge
Type series
with diaphragm and electrical contact device, Type series BF2...
Produktbild eines Plattenfeder Manometers mit elektrischem Grenzsignalgeber 
Case with blow-out device
Case and pressure element assembly of stainless steel
Highly overload protected
Nominal range 0…6 mbar abs up to
 0…2500 mbar abs
Accuracy class per DIN 16085
Electrical contact device per DIN 16085:
 - slow acting contact
 - magnetic snap contacts
 - inductive contact devices
Explosion protection
Safety case with solid baffle wall and blow-out back
Case with liquid filling and degree
 of protection IP 66
Connection to Zone 0
Material certificate per DIN EN 10204
Can be used as an excess pressure gauge with electrical contact device for universal use in measurement and control systems for indicating and monitoring pre-selectable minimum and/or maximum pressure values. Suitable for measuring liquids and gases; with open measuring flange also designed for viscous media and media containing solids. Because of its robust design, it is suitable for use in tough environments.
Application area
 ● Chemical and petrochemical industry
 ● Shipping
 ● Machinery construction

Differential pressure gauge
Type series
with diaphragm and electrical contact device, Type series BG2...
Produktbild eines Plattenfeder Manometers mit elektrischem Grenzsignalgeber 

Case with blow-out device
Case and measuring flange of stainless steel, diaphragm of Duratherm
High overload protection up to 5 times (option: up to 20 times)
Nominal range 0…40 mbar up to 0…25 bar (differential pressure)
Accuracy class per DIN 16085
Electrical contact device per DIN 16085:
 - slow acting contact
 - magnetic snap contact
 - inductive contact device

Explosion protection
Safety pattern gauge with solid baffle wall and blow-out back
Approval German Lloyd
3-way valve block
Connection per zone 0
Material certificate per DIN EN 10204
Oxygen free of oil and grease

Differential pressure gauges with electrical contact device for level measuring, filter monitoring and flow measuring under severe operating conditions.
Application area

 ● Chemical and petrochemical industry
 ● Shipping
 ● Machinery construction
Differential pressure gauges
Type series
with electrical contact device, highly overload resistant, Type series BG32.. / BG33..
Produktbild eines Differenzdruck-Messger?ts für hohe überdruckbereiche 
Case and measuring flange of stainless steel, diaphragm of Duratherm
Working pressure up to 500 bar
Accuracy class 1.6 per DIN EN 837-3
Electrical contact device per DIN 16085:
 - slow acting contact
 - magnetic snap contact
 - inductive contact device

Explosion protection
Case with liquid filling
3-way valve block
Connection to Zone 0
Material certificate per DIN EN 10204
Can be used as a differential pressure measuring system for high overload ranges with electrical contact device for universal use in measurement and control systems for indicating and monitoring pre-selectable minimum and/or maximum pressure values.
 Because of its robust design, it is suitable for use in tough environments.
Application area

 ● Chemical and petrochemical industry
 ● Shipping
 ● Machinery construction
Pressure switch with bourdon tube
Type series
for plants requiring special supervision, Type series BN4...
Produktbild eines Druckw?chters mit Rohrfeder (für überwachungsbedürftige Anlagen) 
Case DN 100/160 with rear blow-out device
Case and pressure element assembly of stainless steel
Nominal ranges 1…600 bar
EC type-examination per Directive 97/23/EG,
 certificate no. 07 202 1837 Z 0006/2/0002
 piece of equipment with safety function PED 1G cat. IV
 VdTüV-component identification number:
Safety pattern gauge with solid baffle wall and
 blow-out back
Case with liquid filling and degree
 of protection IP 66
Classification per SIL 2
Connection to Zone 0
Material certificate per DIN EN 10204
Oxygen free of oil and grease
Pressure switches with bourdon tubes are pieces of equipment with safety functions as set down in the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED). They are suitable for protecting the pressure device should the pressure rise above, or drop below, the approved boundary limits. They come under the remit of PED 1G Category IV and have been subjected to an EC type-examination. The requirements of Approval Certificate Pressure 100 from the German Technical Inspection Authority (VdTüV) are met. These pressure measuring devices may only be operated with the electrical evaluation units set out below, and within the area of application of this certificate and the VdTüV component identification number. The pressure switch is composed of the pressure measuring device and electrical evaluation unit.
 Because of its robust design, it is suitable for use in tough environments.
 The pressure switches are suited for connection to Zone 0, when fitted by manufacturer with Zone 0 adapter.
Application area
 ● Chemical and petrochemical industry
 ● Shipping
 ● Machinery construction

Pressure transmitter COMPACT
Type series:CB6010;CB6011;CB6020;CB6021
for general application, internal diaphragm, Type series CB60..
Produktbild des COMPACT Druckmessumformers mit innenliegender Membran 

Measuring ranges 0…1 bar up to 0…400 bar
Linearity error including hysteresis <+ 0.2 % f.s.
Piezoresistive measuring system
Internal diaphragm
Wetted parts of stainless steel; compley welded
Stainless steel housing as standard or field housing
Degree of protection IP 65, IP 67 option
Output signal: 4…20 mA
Process temperature up to 140 °C (short term, for sterilization)

Explosion protection for gases
Classification per SIL 2
Approval German Lloyd
The device converts pressure measurements into a load-independent current signal. Because of their robust design these transmitters are suitable for use in tough environments. The process temperature is allowed up to 140 °C (short term). The transmitters have extensive circuitry which ensures electromagnetic compatibility.
Application area

● Chemical and petrochemical industry
 ● Process engineering
 ● General process technology
Druckmessumformer UNIVERSAL Heavy Duty Design
thin film sensor, Type series CB203. HDD,CB1030;CB1031;CB1032;CB2030;CB2031;CB2032
Produktbild des UNIVERSAL Druckmessumformers für den Betrieb unter erschwerten Bedingungen 
Measuring range
- 0…25 bar up to 0…600 bar rel.
Thin film sensor element
Zero point and measuring span can be adjusted
 externally by means of a potentiometer
Stainless steel housing
Degree of protection IP 66 per DIN EN 60529
Electronic unit compley encapsulated
Wetted parts of stainless steel, compley welded
Output signal: 4…20 mA,

Explosion protection
The pressure transmitter UNIVERSAL in Heavy-Duty Design is suited for measuring of pressure of gases, vapers and liquids. Because of their robust design these transmitters are suitable for use in tough enviroments.
Application area

● Machinery construction
 ● Chemical and petrochemical industry
 ● General process technology

Differential pressure transmitter PASCAL Ci4 Delta P

for general application, Type Series CI4300
Differential pressure transmitter with metallic diaphragm
High-resolution graphic display with backlight
Intuitive 4-button operation
Comprehensive parameterising functions
Comprehensive simulation and diagnostic functions
Quick access to device data
Development according to SIL2
Nominal range 0.25 bar to 16 bar
Turndown up to 100:1
Measuring rate up to 100 Hz
Accuracy 0.1 %
Output signal 4…20 mA with HART? protocol
Configuration memory
Digital communication via PDM, FDT/DTM, 375/475 Field Communicator
Output functions: linear, invers, square root, table function
Table function with up to 64 support points
Stainless steel case in sturdy design, degree of protection IP 65/67
Media temperature -40…100 °C
Wetted parts stainless steel

 - Explosion protection for gases and dust
 - GOST-R certificate of conformity and declaration
 - Certificate of measuring equipment for Russian Federation
 - Calibration certificate per DIN EN 10204
 - Classification per SIL2, TüV certified
Removable display and control unit
Degree of protection IP 69K
Front cover of stainless steel with window of non splintering glass

The digital differential pressure transmitter PASCAL Ci4 Delta P is suitable for level measurement and filter monitoring in chemical/petrochemical and in general process engineering.
Application area

● General process engineering
 ● Chemical and petrochemical industry
 ● General process technology

CHIFEE  压力 温度 流量 液位 泵阀


黄永:139 1551 3800

189 6214 0620

 1606248496    天道酬勤




信息声明:本产品供应信息由仪器网为您整合,供应商为(苏州知非机电设备有限公司),内容包括 (BA4300/BA4100;BA4400 德国LABOM朗博 压力传感器 压力变送器 防爆压力传感器压力控制器)的品牌、型号、技术参数、详细介绍等;如果您想了解更多关于 (BA4300/BA4100;BA4400 德国LABOM朗博 压力传感器 压力变送器 防爆压力传感器压力控制器)的信息,请直接联系供应商,给供应商留言!