
6.0229.010 瑞士万通非水复合PH电极

品牌 Metrohm/瑞士万通

The space-saving electrode for titration in nonaqueous media with easyClean diaphragm.

  • Rapid response profile and stable measured values, even in poorly conductive solutions
  • LL reference system with long-term stability
  • Special shielding largely prevents the influence of static charge
  • Robust easyClean diaphragm, that can be readily cleaned without contact (through pressure on the electrode head)
  • Can be used, for example, in the pharmaceutical industry, for standardized methods in the petroleum industry (TBN/TAN, ASTM D-664)

Measuring unitpH
Indicator electrode typeGlass electrode
Shaft materialGlass
DiaphragmGround-joint diaphragm
Shaft diameter top (mm)12
Resistance (kOhm)<250
Measuring range0 ... 14
Temperature range, short-term (°C)0 ... 70
Reference electrolyte typeLiCl(sat) in ethanol
SGJ sleeveflexible SGJ sleeve
Membrane glass typeT
Membrane resistance50 ... 150
Temperature range, long-term (°C)0 ... 70
Electrolyte flow rate (μl/h)3...50
Plug for filling openingOrifice
Reference systemLL system
Electrode slope> 0.90
Electrode zero point (mV)0...100 mV (pH = 7)
Shaft diameter bottom (mm)12
Min. immersion depth (mm)20
Internal reference electrode typeLL system
Electrode plug-in headFixed cable (l = 1 m) with plug F
Indicator electrode shapeSphere
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