CL950A-M-220干体式探头校准器 美国omege温度校准仪
- 产地:美国omega
- 供应商:深圳市鑫博恒业科技有限公司
- 供应商报价:面议
- 标签:CL950A-M-220干体式探头校准器 美国omege温度校准仪,-1,深圳市鑫博恒业科技有限公司
CL950A-M-220干体式探头校准器 美国omege温度校准仪
hot point®干体式探头校准器,采用RS-232通讯
CL900A and CL950A Series
hot point®干体式探头校准器,采用RS-232通讯
从环境+ 22到482°C温度范围宽(环境+ 40到900°F)。覆盖了大部分的工业应用
同伴冰pointtm 参考细胞提供trciii-a,模型
欧米茄的热点®校准器是一个新的校准,它允许校准热敏电阻的家庭的一部分,热电偶和RTD探针快速和方便的精度±0.8°C(±1.5°F)。一个完整的RTD传感器,保证了测量精度高和重复性。一个内置的微处理器为基础的数字PID控制器保证了优异的稳定性。设定值与实际温度显示,同时。温度可以设定在一个度的增量从22到482°环境+ C(环境+ 40到900°F)。
该cl900a校准器接受多种可选插件,可在4“和6”的深度,和探针直径从1 / 8“3 / 8”。未钻孔插入也可用。该cl900a配备了标准的1 / 4“直径,6“深深的插入,并插入去除钳。额外的插入可以订购其他直径的探头分别所需。6“深度插入用于探针7”长。4“深度插入用于探针5”长。
注释: Only 230 Vac model is available as CE marked.
CL900A-110 hot point®probe calib., Interchangeable insert, 115 Vac, range: Amb. +22 to 482°C (Amb. +40 to 900°F)
CL900A-220 hot point®probe calib., Interchangeable insert, 230 Vac, range: Amb. +22 to 482°C (Amb. +40 to 900°F)
CL950A-110 hot point®probe calib., British multi-well, 115 Vac, range: Ambient +22 to 482°C (Ambient +40 to 900°F)
CL950A-220 hot point®probe calib., British multi-well, 230 Vac, range: Ambient +22 to 482°C (Ambient +40 to 900°F)
CL950A-M-110 hot point®probe calib., Metric multi-well, 115 Vac, range: Ambient +22 to 482°C (Ambient +40 to 900°F)
CL950A-M-220 hot point®probe calib., Metric multi-well, 230 Vac, range: Ambient +22 to 482°C (Ambient +40 to 900°F)
CL901 Insert, 4" deep test well, for 1/8" dia. probes
CL901-M Insert, 106.6 mm deep test well, for 2 mm dia. probes
CL902 Insert, 6" deep test well, for 1/8" dia. probes
CL902-M Insert, 152.4 mm deep test well, for 2 mm dia. probes
CL903 Insert, 4" deep test well, for 3/16" dia. probes
CL903-M Insert, 106.6 mm deep test well, for 3 mm dia. probes
CL904 Insert, 6" deep test well, for 3/16" dia. probes
CL904-M Insert, 152.4 mm deep test well, for 3 mm dia. probes
CL905 Insert, 4" deep test well, for 1/4" dia. probes
CL905-M Insert, 106.6 mm deep test well, for 4.5 mm dia. probes
CL906 Insert, 6" deep test well, for 1/4" dia. probes
CL906-M Insert, 152.4 mm deep test well, for 4.5 mm dia. probes
CL907 Insert, 4" deep test well, for 5/16" dia. probes
CL907-M Insert, 106.6 mm deep test well, for 6.0 mm dia. probes
CL908 Insert, 6" deep test well, for 5/16" dia. probes
CL908-M Insert, 152.4 mm deep test well, for 6.0 mm dia. probes
CL909 Insert, 4" deep test well, for 3/8" dia. probes
CL910 Insert, 6" deep test well, for 3/8" dia. probes
CL911 Insert, 6" long test well, undrilled
CL950A-M-220干体式探头校准器 美国omege温度校准仪
CL900-110干体式探头校准器 美国omega温度校准仪