OKED114H 进口超高压电磁阀,供应高压电磁阀批发,价格
- 型号:OKED114H
- 产地:美国
- 供应商:深圳日立阀门有限公司
- 供应商报价:面议
- 标签:进口超高压电磁阀,供应高压电磁阀批发,价格,125,深圳日立阀门有限公司
◆电源电压: DC12~220V; AC24~380V。
◆介质粘度:小于50C St(大于时需定制)。
USA and Europe can Applications:
High-pressure solenoid valves for a variety of medium temperature, high temperature, high pressure, high-pressure situations , apply with the hot water , oil , high-temperature steam, saturated steam and superheated steam piping and other automatic control ; military, aerospace, shipbuilding Heavy Industry , nuclear industrial , petrochemical, power , chemical , light industry, machinery, research , drainage, fire protection, cleaning equipment , fountains , pipes media automation control and other fields. Automation control engineering , project supporting reconstruction and equipment of choice.
USA and Europe can Features:
The world's first ultra-high pressure ; piston structure, stable performance ; tightness, switch quickly ; authoritarian coil , easily burned ; maximum pressure can be 300MPa.
USA and Europe can be the main technical parameters :
◆ diameter range : DN1 ~ DN300.
◆ Pressure rating : PN80 ~ 300Mpa.
◆ Control: Normally open, normally closed , self-sustaining type .
◆ Power supply voltage : DC12 ~ 220V; AC24 ~ 380V.
◆ Body material : stainless steel.
◆ Applicable medium: water , gas, oil , corrosive fluids .
◆ Temperature range: ( -200 , -50 ) ~ ( +120 , +200 , +250 ) .
◆ medium viscosity : less than 50C St ( greater than to be customized ) .
◆ Protection Performance: dust, water , explosion . Select the condition according to .
◆ Wiring: Wiring pedestal ; Leaded ; male .
◆ Connection: flange , welding, thread ( male and special interfaces or add custom adapter ) .Undo editsCancelIs this translation better than the original?Yes, submit translationThank you for your submission.
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