
SMP-NP-T-125G-6插入式热电偶 美国omega插入式热电偶...


 SMP-NP-T-125G-6插入式热电偶 美国omega插入式热电偶测温探头

HYP5, SMP-NP, SMP-RT, SMP-AP, SMP-HT and 88000-RSC :快速连接表面热电偶探头,带小型连接器、可伸缩电缆和实用手柄
Various Probe Styles Available
J, K, T and E Calibrations Available
Fast Interchangeability
Made from Special Limits of Error Material
0.3 m (1') Retractable Cable Stretches to 1.5 m (5')
Penetration and Surface Measurement Styles Available
Easy to Use Quick Change Handle Design with Retractable Cord
Also Available as a Complete Kit

AHYP5 SeriesHypodermic probe intended to be used for laboratory, industrial and natural science uses. Tip rated to 200°C
BSMP-NPPenetration probe conical tip designed for penetration into semi-frozen objects. Tip rated to 925°C;
CSMP-RTReduced tip fast response probe. 1/8 to 1/16 inch diameter at tip. Tip rated to 925°C
DSMP-APAir probe;drilled end exposes bead to air flow for fast measurements. Tip rated to 260°C
E(*)MQSS-125-G-6General purpose immersion probe. 1/8 inch diameter, 304SS Tip rated to 260°C
FSMP-HT SeriesCeramic tip probe feature as spring loaded thermocouple to insure consistent readings, 304SS housing, 31.8mm long tip rated to 650°C
G88000 SeriesQuick-connect handle with integral locking mechanism secures any miniature probe handle in use.

产品型号  产品描述
HYP5-21-1-1/2-K-G-SMPW  Hypodermic probe(style A), K type thermocouple
HYP5-21-1-1/2-J-G-SMPW  Hypodermic probe(style A), J type thermocouple
HYP5-21-1-1/2-T-G-SMPW  Hypodermic probe(style A), T type thermocouple
HYP5-21-1-1/2-E-G-SMPW  Hypodermic probe(style A), E type thermocouple
SMP-NP-K-125G-6   Penetration probe(style B), K type thermocouple
SMP-NP-J-125G-6  Penetration probe(style B), J type thermocouple
SMP-NP-T-125G-6   Penetration probe(style B), T type thermocouple
SMP-NP-E-125G-6  Penetration probe(style B) , E type thermocouple
SMP-RT-K-125G-6   Reduced tip fast response probe(style C), K type thermocouple
SMP-RT-J-125G-6  Reduced tip fast response probe(style C), J type thermocouple
SMP-RT-T-125G-6  Reduced tip fast response probe(style C), T type thermocouple
SMP-RT-E-125G-6  Reduced tip fast response probe(style C), E type thermocouple
SMP-AP-K-125E-6  Air probe(style D), K type thermocouple
SMP-AP-J-125E-6  Air probe(style D), J type thermocouple
SMP-AP-T-125E-6  Air probe(style D), T type thermocouple
SMP-AP-E-125E-6  Air probe(style D), E type thermocouple
KMQSS-125G-6  General purpose immersion probe(style E), K type thermocouple
JMQSS-125G-6  General purpose immersion probe(style E), J type thermocouple
TMQSS-125G-6  General purpose immersion probe(style E), T type thermocouple
EMQSS-125G-6 General purpose immersion probe(style E), E type thermocouple
SMP-HT-K-6  Ceramic tip probe(style F), K type thermocouple
SMP-HT-J-6  Ceramic tip probe(style F), J type thermocouple
SMP-HT-E-6  Ceramic tip probe(style F), E type thermocouple
88000-K-RSC-SMPW-M Quick-connect handle with integral locking mechanism(style G), K type thermocouple
88000-J-RSC-SMPW-M Quick-connect handle with integral locking mechanism(style G), J type thermocouple
88000-T-RSC-SMPW-M Quick-connect handle with integral locking mechanism(style G), T type thermocouple
88000-E-RSC-SMPW-M  Quick-connect handle with integral locking mechanism(style G) ,E type thermocouple
TK-3-K  Quick-connect probe kit, includes all styles shown A-G, type K thermocouple
TK-3-J  Quick-connect probe kit, includes all styles shown A-G, type J thermocouple
TK-3-E  Quick-connect probe kit, includes all styles shown A-G, type E thermocouple


 SMP-NP-T-125G-6插入式热电偶 美国omega插入式热电偶测温探头


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