- 产地:浙江省乐清市柳市镇上池工业区
- 供应商:浙江中沈防爆电器有限公司
- 供应商报价:260
- 标签:LBQC53-防爆电磁启动器价格,防爆电磁启动器批发,防爆电磁启动器厂家,260,浙江中沈防爆电器有限公司
LBQC53 系列防爆电磁起动器(ⅡB、ⅡC) |
主要技术参数 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shen Yueqing City Explosion proof Electric Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of electric lamps.China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association, member of explosion-proof electrical branch of the company since its inception, both focus on quality and innovation.Focus on advanced technology products, pay attention to the quality of manpower and staff training.Established a perfect quality assurance system.Our products by GB3836-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres such as the national standard design, manufacture, testing.And achieved a national home inspection organizations that explosion-proof certificate issued.States in the early 2005 crude Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Administration issued the national industrial production permit.National product in recent years are qualified spot checks.Chairman of the board bring the staff to meet new competition and challenges.Determined to "the proof of Shen" explosion-proof cast into the leading brands of new products
1. 如需购买防爆配电箱/电器类产品:请购买前必须和您们的技术人员沟通清楚,(如若是空箱,请把箱子的尺寸/进出线方向/通头数量/通头大小/箱子面板上面是否装指示灯/按钮/是否要带总开关等等,如若是一整套,请把技术图纸传一份给我方,元器件采用哪家请细说明:(如:正泰电器/德力西电器/施耐德电器)
2. 如需购买防爆灯具类产品:先咨询一下卖家,请把灯具技术参数报一下,我方核算一下价格,核算过的价格才能算Z终成效价(如:防爆灯具的参数:功率多大?配不配光源,配什么光源?安装方式?如若不知道,请把您的灯具所用在的场所,面积有多少,请细告诉我方。我方会按照亲的要求去报价)
3. 如需购买防爆管件类产品:先看清产品资料里面的详细介绍,(接口的大小,螺纹规格,长度,材质。)
4. 如需购买防爆风机/风扇类产品:先看清是否是您所需要的,(风机的尺寸,功率,风量,是否要带百叶,安装方式,如若不清楚,请直接卖家,再确认你需要购买的产品。)
5. 如需购买防爆空调产品:先说清使用环境,(空调的品Pai,制冷量,制热量,功率,壁挂式还是柜式。)