- Numatics不锈钢过滤器,进口美国ASCO过滤器
- 型号:-
- 产地:美国
- 供应商:上海乾拓贸易有限公司
- 供应商报价:11
- 标签:Numatics不锈钢过滤器,进口美国ASCO过滤器,11,上海乾拓贸易有限公司
➀ Mounting with 2 side brackets (accessory)
➁ Mounting with top bracket (accessory)
➂ 50 mm dia. pressure gauge
➃ Clearance required for bowl removal
➄ Condensate level window
Compact Spool Valve convertible from 3/2 to 5/2
with flow plates
Mount directly to actuators with NAMUR interface
per VDI/VDE 3845
Single and dual solenoid constructions available
Integral Breather Block vents to spring side of actuator
to exhaust, preventing corrosion of the actuator
Unique design combines hard T-seals and flexible
o-rings, provides bubble-tight shutoff, resistance to
dirt and multimillion cycle life controlling air or inert gas
Low Power and Intrinsically Safe construction available
See Special Service Pilot Valve Section for details
➅ semi-automatic drain connectable G1/8
➆ Automatic drain connectable to
6 mm ID fl exible tubing
Systems must be installed with the bowls in vertical position (at the bottom).
Air fl ow direction indicated by arrow ( ).
Use an alkaline solution (soapy water) and not a solvent for cleaning the polycarbonate bowls and sight Numatics不锈钢过滤器,进口美国ASCO过滤器