
GSS3500 手持式爆炸品探测仪

SPECIFICATION:特性(说明书):DETECTION PRINCIPLE: Luminal Chemiluminescence''s - Disposable cartridge探测原理:鲁米诺化合光的多用弹药筒NO RADIOACTIVITY: No radioactive source,no licensing or radioactive calibration applicable. 无放射性辐射:无放射性辐射源,无须申请放射性许可证DETECTABLE COMPOUNDS: Most military (including plastic)all types commercially available explosives, C4,, Nitroglycerin, Dynamite, PETM, Semtex, RDX, HMX, ANFO, ICAO Tangents, (DMNB, EGDN, o-MNT, p-MNT), Urea nitrate, 探测化合物 :大部分军事用途(包括塑胶) 或商业用途的 C4,,油,。。。。SAMPLING CAPABILITIES: Vaporsparticulates - Dual Mode 取样能力:蒸汽 或 微量 方式 – 双模式TYPICAL SAMPLE/ANALYSIS TIME: Sample: 5-30 seconds (user selectable based on application) Analysis: within 15 seconds 典型 取样/分析 时间: 取样时间5-30秒(用户可随需要调整)分析时间:15秒INITIAL WARM-UP TIME: 30 seconds 初始化时间:30秒CARRIER GAS: None required (ambient air) 运载气体:不需要特殊气体 (周围空气)CONTROLS: Power switch 控制:电源开关Keypad Automatic Vapor/Particulate selector Volume control (with optional earphone) 键盘:自动 蒸汽/微量 选择音量控制(可选耳机)OPERATIONAL STATUS INDICATORS:LED indicator lights 操作状态指示:发光二极管指示灯4 x 20 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) 4×20 液晶显示板DATA STORAGE + COMMUNICATIONS: 1000 retrievable data records RS-232 serial output port for remote controlmonitoring 数据存储+通信方式:1000次数据储存,RS232串口通信用于遥控和显示结果POWER SUPPLY: 12 volt DC rechargeable battery pack External battery pack 12 volt AC adapter 电源:12伏 直流 可充电电池  /扩展电池组  /12v交流电源适配器OPERATING + STORAGE TEMPERATURES: Operating: 0°C to +55°C (+32°F to +131°F) Storage: 0°C to +65°C (+32°F to +149°F) 操作及储存 温度特性: 操作0°C to +55°C (+32°F to +131°F) 储藏0°C to +65°C (+32°F to +149°F)WEIGHT + DIMENSIONS: Unit weight: 3 kg (6.6 lbs.) in ABS engineered plastic shielded case 重量及尺寸:Unit Dimensions: (LxWxH): 51x14x11 cm / 20x5.5x4.3" Shipping weight: 12 kg (26 lbs.) in steel-reinforced, foam-padded, protective carrying caseWarranty One year return to manufacturer 保修:一年返厂FACT SHEET: The GSS3500 looks for solvent based as well nitro based explosives (90% of explosives are nitrogen oxide based NO2). The new "Designer bombs" frequently are solvent based i.e., acetone, peroxide etc.   The GSS3500 catches them all. The technology for the "detection principle" is Chemiluminescence''s historically the most proven detection method but only used in labs in machines that cost $400Kare hugedo not go in the field.  They are considered scientific testinganalytical equipment. We have the only patent on this tech in field hand-held units--- This is incredible! It''s the best solution available in a portable device by a HUGE margin!  The competition can NOT come close to it. It is more selectivesensitive than the EVDALL other handhelds. The GSS3500可以探测出各种溶剂型基于氮元素的(90%的来自二氧化氮)和新型的由过氧化醋酸等制成的。他的探测技术使用的是一种受认可的检测技术Chemiluminescence''s,这种技术一般只用在价值超过400,000美元的,实验室用的固定的大型探测器上。而且也广泛被认为是科学和有效的。我们是拥有使用这项技术使用在手持设备上的公司!多不可思议!这是购买手持设备探测设备的解决方案,并且有很大的价格空间!竞争者望尘莫及,相对于EVD,ALL等手持设备,我们的GSS3500是多被用户选择的产品。 There are far fewer "false positives" from inaccurate detection of non explosives (false alarms). It has very advanced software that makes it very easy to operate.  It is quite robustfield worthy. Lasts a lot longer in the field prior to maintenance. Cleansclears itself after contamination by a rich explosive. 对非的误报警很少发生,先进的软件系统使操作非常容易。他非常适合在各种情况下使用。在检测完毕后有自动清洁功能。The main thing is there is no other device (handheld) that can detect near the variety of explosives that the GSS3500 can. 重要的一点是:除了GSS3500外没有任何一种手持式设备可以探测如此多种类的。 It also does not use any external carrier gas or radioactive source (unlike others). If portability, quick detectionclear, accurate results are crucial, then this is the explosives detector needed.他也不需要携带额外的负载气体和放射线源(如同其他的探测器),GSS3500拥有便携,快速检测与清洁,结果准确等特点。、 The GSS3500 offers extremely faststable detection with very high selectivity for explosivesimmunity to humidity or contamination problems. It detects traces of particulatesvapors, allowing for noninvasive searches of luggage, mail, vehicles, documentscontainers. GSS3500可以在高可选择行或高湿度与污染问题上提供非常快速和稳定的检测。他可以根据微量颗粒和蒸汽寻踪的方法找到可能存在的威胁,这可以在不侵犯他人隐私的情况下检查行李,信件,车辆,文件和容器。Operating the GSS3500 : The GSS3500 is flexibleeasy to operate, offering both vaporparticulate sampling without the use of an external carrier gas or radioactive source. Vapors are sampled directly via the sampling nozzle. Particulates are sampled by swiping a suspected object with a cotton glove or other meanstransferring any traces to the unit. This dual capability enables users to the most suitable method of sampling for the explosives of interest. The GSS3500 starts processing samples immediatelygives results in just seconds. All results are indicated on the LCD graphicalnumerical display. Gss3500非常容易使用,首先,他可以在不需要负载气体或放射线源的情况下根据微量颗粒和蒸汽寻踪的方法找到可能存在的威胁。蒸汽可以直接通过气体喉管进入检测装置。颗粒检测时可以用棉手套扫取一些样品进行。这样可以让检测人员自己选择合适的模式。而后,GSS3500能够很快的分析样品并在几秒钟后得出结论。所有的检测结果都会好用数字和图形显示在LCD屏幕上。* FastProven: The GSS3500 has proven to be capable of detecting plastichigh vapor pressure explosives rapidly-giving clear results you can trust. Luminal Chemiluminescence''s is an ASTMEPA standard method for atmospheric monitoring of nitrogen dioxide. 速度和验证: GSS3500已经被证实可以有效的检测到塑性和高挥发性,并给出快速清晰可信的结果。Luminal Chemiluminescence''s 是一个 ASTMEPA 的标准用来监视大气中二氧化氮的浓度。* SensitiveSelective: The GSS3500 can detect minute traces (low anagram level) of C-4, , Dynamite, , Semtex, EGDN,DMNB, RDX, ANFO, Ammonium Nitrate, Urea Nitrate, Nitroglycerine, with low false alarm levelsfew interferon''s. Immune to variations in humidityenvironmental conditions. 灵敏度 与 检测范围 C-4, , Dynamite, , Semtex, EGDN,DMNB, RDX, ANFO, Ammonium Nitrate, Urea Nitrate, Nitroglycerine,  GSS3500有很低的差错率,检测不受环境湿度和温度变化的影响。* Portable: The GSS3500 is self contained, lightweight, less than 3 kg (6.6 lbs),comes in a fully equipped, rugged carrying case -ready to use whenwhere needed. 便携性:GSS3500 重量小于3千克,精心设计外表粗旷的保护盒,无论在什么时间什么地点都很方便。* No Radioactive Isotopes or Radioactivity
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