DBP Oil Absorptometer 炭黑吸油值分析仪
- 产地:辽宁 营口市
- 供应商:新华基科技有限公司
- 供应商报价: 电议
- 标签:DBP Oil Absorptometer 炭黑吸油值分析仪,DBP Oil Absorptometer 炭黑吸油值分析仪价格,DBP Oil Absorptometer 炭黑吸油值分析仪厂家
HITEC制造生产的 DADS炭黑吸油值测试仪为客户提供完整的炭黑吸油值测试数据及分析,提供符合ASTM标准的测试和数据统计。DBP OIL ABSORPTOMETER 结构紧凑:体积很小,普通实验桌即可完成摆放和测试。的设计理念,创新的结构布局,的测试过程,HITEC能为您做到 可拆卸的混合仓: 我们比任何人都做的更好,独到的加工工艺,百分百的原材料,高强度耐磨损的混合仓,为您想到更多。 数据处理ZX:完整的数据处理系统和测试分析ZX,我们开创先河。 强大的软件数据分析: 向简单的仪表,枯燥的分析说再见 HITECTranslate to Français:] DABS (DBP Absorption Basic System), the state of the art absorptometer, includes DADS (oil absorption data system) for absorptometers and conforms to N/COAN ASTM D2414 and D3493.We know that space is precious. DABS takes up only 50 cm (table model dimensions: 400 x 500 x 700 mm (W x D x H); weight: 60 kg), about 20" of table space. It fits standard mixing chambers and gives easy access to the chamber. Another convenient feature is the safety cage, which can be opened up fully, especially for cleaning and filling. There are no safety switch brackets to get in the way. It has a frequency inverter-driven asynchronous motor allowing variable speeds and a smooth starting option. DABS full burette control, including variable debit speed. Additional features include control of burette speed and reset, motor speed, chamber temperature monitoring. It is based on DADS. Technical data:Connectivity to PC via serial port or LAN with optional ComServerTerminal fully dustproof, DBP-resistant, can be handled by operator wearing protective glovesOptional add-ons for DABS are a mixing chamber cooling block and a chamber extension funnel for testing fluffy material ( DABS - MCEF » ).