美国国家标准局(NIST)标准品 1 美国国家标准局(NIST)标准品 1
- 型号:美国国家标准局(NIST)标准品 1
- 供应商:广州优瓦仪器有限公司
- 供应商报价:面议
- 标签:美国国家标准局(NIST)标准品 1,-1,广州优瓦仪器有限公司
Standard Reference Materials?简称(SRMs)是美国国家标准局(NIST) 制定的“标准参照样品 (SRM)”,共有 1100 多种,每种标样都有美国国家标准局的详细分析报告和用途说明,SRM 标准参照样品的适用范围:
(1) 帮助开发准确的分析方法;
(2) 用于校正检测仪器,质量控制,和测定检出极限;
(3) 保证检测方法可靠性和长久稳定性。
Standard Reference Materials?简称(SRMs)是美国国家标准局(NIST) 制定的“标准参照样品 (SRM)”,共有 1100 多种,每种标样都有美国国家标准局的详细分析报告和用途说明,SRM 标准参照样品的适用范围:
(1) 帮助开发准确的分析方法;
(2) 用于校正检测仪器,质量控制,和测定检出极限;
(3) 保证检测方法可靠性和长久稳定性。
SRM Catalog Price List*
1d Limestone, Argillaceous 70 g $862.00
4l Cast Iron 150 g $348.00
5m Cast Iron 150 g $378.00
6g Cast Iron 150 g $319.00
8k Bessemer Steel (Simulated), 0.1 % Carbon 150 g $325.00
12h Basic Open-Hearth Steel, 0.4% Carbon 150 g $326.00
13g 0.6% Carbon Steel 150 g $345.00
14g Carbon Steel (AISI 1078) 150 g $311.00
15h Basic Open-Hearth Steel, 0.1% Carbon 150 g $314.00
16f Basic Open- Hearth Steel, 1% carbon 150 g $307.00
17f Sucrose Optical Rotation 60 g $331.00
19h Basic Electric Steel, 0.2% Carbon 150 g $313.00
20g AISI 1045 Steel 150 g $306.00
25d Manganese Ore 60 g $268.00
30f LA Steel, Cr-V (SAE 6150) 150 g $306.00
32e Nickel-Chromium Steel (SAE 3140) 150 g $374.00
33e LA Steel, Ni-Mo (SAE 4820) 150 g $330.00
36b Chromium-Molybdenum Steel 150 g $327.00
39j Benzoic Acid (Calorimetric Standard) 30 g $244.00
45d Cu Freezing Point 450 g $243.00
46h Portland Cement Fineness Std 10 x 5 g $199.00
49e Lead Freezing Point 600 g $219.00
50c Tungsten-Chromium-Vanadium Steel 150 g $342.00
53e Bearing Metal (84Pb-10Sb-6Sn) 150 g $355.00
54d Bearing Metal (Tin Base) 170 g $372.00
57b Silicon Metal 40 g $925.00
58a Ferrosilicon (73% Si Regular Grade) 75 g $378.00
59a Ferrosilicon 50 g $336.00
64c Ferrochromium, High Carbon 100 g $291.00
68c Ferromanganese, High Carbon 100 g $317.00
69b Bauxite (Arkansas) 60 g $265.00
72g LA Steel (AISI 4130) 150 g $298.00
73c Stainless Steel, Cr (SAE 420) 150 g $306.00
76a Burnt Refractory (Al203-40%) 75 g $250.00
77a Burnt Refractory (Al203-60%) 75 g $250.00
78a Burnt Refractory (Al203-70%) 75 g $250.00
79a Fluorspar, Customs Grade 120 g $240.00
81a Glass Sand 75 g $299.00
82b Cast Iron (Ni-Cr) 150 g $306.00
84l Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate 60 g $282.00
87a Aluminum-Silicon Alloy 75 g $370.00
88b Dolomitic Limestone 75 g $306.00
89 Glass, Lead Barium 45 g $307.00
90 Ferrophosphorus 75 g $296.00
92 Low-Boron, Soda-Lime Powder 45 g $334.00
93a High-Boron Borosilicate wafer $293.00
94c Zinc-Base Die Casting Alloy 150 g $349.00
97b Flint Clay 60 g $425.00
98b Plastic Clay 60 g $333.00
100b LA Steel, Manganese (SAE (T340) 150 g $310.00
101g Stainless Steel (AISI 304L) 100 g $319.00
106b LA Steel, Cr-Mo-Al (Nitralloy rG) 150 g $314.00
107c Cast Iron (Ni-Cr-Mo) 150 g $320.00
113b Zinc Concentrate 100 g $426.00
114q Portland Cement Fineness Std set (20) $234.00
115a Cast Iron (Cu-Ni-Cr) 150 g $282.00
120c Phosphate Rock (Florida) 90 g $268.00
121d Stainless Steel, (Cr 17-Ni 11-Ti 0.3) (AISI 321) 150 g $349.00
122i Cast Iron 150 g $343.00
123c Stainless Steel, Cr-Ni-Nb (AISI 348) 150 g $296.00
126c High-Nickel Steel (36 % Ni) 150 g $362.00
127b Solder, 40Sn-60Pb 150 g $379.00
129c LA Steel, High Sulfur (SAE 112) 150 g $309.00
132b Tool Steel (AISI M2) 150 g $345.00
133b Chromium-Molybdenum Steel 150 g $457.00
134a Tool Steel, Mo-W-Cr-V 150 g $295.00
136f Potassium Dichromate, (Oxidimetric Standard) 60 g $364.00
139b LA Steel, Cr-Ni-Mo (AISI 8640) 150 g $301.00
141d Acetanilide 2 g $287.00
142 Anisic Acid 2 g $230.00
143d Cystine 2 g $288.00
148 Nicotinic Acid 2 g $256.00
152a Basic Open-Hearth Steel, 0.5% Carbon (Tin Bearing) 150 g $315.00
155 LA Steel, Cr-W 150 g $294.00
158a Bronze, Silicon 150 g $373.00
160b Stainless Steel (Cr 18-Ni 12-Mo 2) (AISI 316) 150 g $344.00
163 LA Steel, 1.0 C 100 g $354.00
165a Glass Sand (Low Iron) 75 g $341.00
166c Stainless Steel, Low-Carbon (AISI 316L) 100 g $304.00
173c Titanium Alloy (6Al-4V) 50 g $847.00
178 0.4C Basic Oxygen Furnace Steel 150 g $302.00
179 LA Steel, High Silicon 150 g $309.00
180 Fluorspar, High Grade 120 g $240.00
181 Lithium Ore (Spodumene) 45 g $229.00
182 Lithium Ore (Petalite) 45 g $206.00
183 Lithium Ore (Lepidolite) 45 g $212.00
185h Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate, pH Standard 60 G $529.00
186g pH Standards, (set of 186-I-g + 186-II-g) set $553.00
187e Sodium Tetraborate (Borax), pH 30 g $693.00
188 Potassium Hydrogen Tartrate, pH 60 g $420.00
189c Potassium Tetroxalate Dihydrate pH Standard 65 g $690.00
191d pH Standards, (set of 191d-I + 191d-II) 1 bottle $1,105.00
193 Potassium Nitrate 90 g $286.00
195 Ferrosilicon (75% Si-HP Grade) 75 g $314.00
196 Ferrochromium, Low Carbon 100 g $370.00
198 Silica Brick 45 g $212.00
199 Silica Brick 45 g $212.00
200b Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate, (KH2PO4) 90 g $583.00
211d Toluene Liquid Density 4x5 mL $428.00
276b Tungsten Carbide 75 g $262.00
277 Tungsten Concentrate 100 g $293.00
278 Obsidian Rock 35 g $324.00
291 LA Steel, Cr-Mo (ASTM A 213) 150 g $311.00
293 LA Steel, Cr-Ni-Mo (AISI 8620) 150 g $311.00
330a Copper Ore Mill Heads 1 bottle x 90 g $518.00
331a Copper Ore Mill Tails 40 g $759.00
333a Molybdenum Sulfide Concentrate 1 pouch x 60 g $373.00
334 Gray Cast Iron (Carbon & Sulfur) 150 g $316.00
338 White Cast Iron (Carbon & Sulfur) 150 g $289.00
339 Stainless Steel, Cr-Ni-Se (SAE 30) 150 g $306.00
341 Ductile Cast Iron 150 g $343.00
342a Nodular Cast Iron 150 g $306.00
343a Stainless Steel (AISI 431) 150 g $325.00
344 HA Steel, (Mo Precipitation Hardening) 150 g $315.00
345a HA Steel, (Cu Precipitation Hardening) 150 g $304.00
346a Valve Steel 150 g $327.00
347 Magnesium Ferrosilicon 100 g $311.00
348a Hi Temp. Alloy, (A286) Ni-Cr 150 g $472.00
349a Waspaloy 150 g $502.00
350b Benzoic Acid (Acidimetric) 30 g $467.00
351a Sodium Carbonate 50 g $460.00
360b Zirconium (Sn-Fe-Cr) Alloy 100 g $414.00
361 AISI 4340 Steel 150 g $403.00
363 Chromium-Vanadium Steel (Modified) 150 g $403.00
364 LA Steel, High C (mod.) 150 g $307.00
368 Carbon Steel (AISI 1211) 150 g $327.00
399 Unalloyed Copper VI (chips) 50 g $453.00
400 Unalloyed Copper VII (chips) 50 g $558.00
423 Molybdenum Oxide Concentrate 1 pouch x 60 g $373.00
454 Unalloyed Copper XI (chips) 35 g $558.00
457 Unalloyed Copper IV (solid) rod $448.00
458 Beryllium-Copper (17510) 50 g $422.00
459 Beryllium-Copper (17200) 50 g $418.00
460 Beryllium-Copper (17300) 50 g $423.00
480 Tungsten-Molybdenum EPMA disk $367.00
481 Gold-Silver EPMA set (6) $367.00
482 Gold-Copper EPMA set (6) $367.00
494 Unalloyed Copper I (solid) rod $379.00
495 Unalloyed Copper II (solid) rod $387.00
498 Unalloyed Copper V (solid) rod $371.00
499 Unalloyed Copper VI (solid) rod $379.00
500 Unalloyed Copper VII (solid) rod $384.00
600 Bauxite, Australian-Darling Range 90 g $251.00
607 Potassium Feldspar 5 g $236.00
610 Trace Elements in Glass 6 wafers $290.00
611 Trace Elements in Glass 6 wafers $300.00
612 Trace Elements in Glass 6 wafers $289.00
613 Trace Elements in Glass 6 wafers $310.00
614 Trace Elements in Glass 6 wafers $305.00
615 Trace Elements in Glass 6 wafers $303.00
616 Trace Elements in Glass 6 wafers $302.00
617 Trace Elements in Glass 6 wafers $328.00
620 Soda Lime, Flat set (3) $317.00
621 Soda-Lime Container set (3) $372.00
622 Soda-Lime Silica (Durability) 2.2 kg $248.00
623 Borosilicate (Durability) 2.2 kg $242.00
624 Lead-Silica, for dc resistivity 200 g $346.00
625 Zinc-Base A block $387.00
626 Zinc-Base B block $393.00
627 Zinc-Base C block $388.00
628 Zinc-Base D block $399.00
629 Zinc-Base E-ASTM AC 41A disk $394.00
630 Zinc-Base F block $399.00
631 Zinc Spelter (mod.) block $399.00
634a Portland Cement 100 g $215.00
640d Silicon Powder Line Position + Line Shape Std for 7.5 g $727.00
Powder Dif
641 Titanium Alloy, 8 Mn (A) disk $408.00
642 Titanium Alloy, 8 Mn (B) disk $387.00
643 Titanium Alloy, 8 Mn (C) disk $463.00
647 Titanium Alloy, Al-Mo-Sn-Zr 50 g $418.00
648 Titanium Alloy, Al-Sn-Zr-Cr-Mo 50 g $488.00
649 Titanium Alloy, V-Al-Cr-Sn 50 g $371.00
650 Unalloyed Titanium A 30 g $361.00
651 Unalloyed Titanium B 30 g $362.00
654b Titanium Alloy, Al-V disk $535.00
656 Silicon Nitride Powders for Quantitative Analysis 2 x 10 g $470.00
659 Particle Size Distribution Standard for Sedigraph set (5) $393.00
660b Line Position and Line Shape, Std for Powder 6 g $956.00
663 Chromium-Vanadium Steel (Modified) 5 rods $403.00
665 Electrolytic Iron 5 rods $348.00
670 Rutile Ore 90 g $249.00
671 Nickel Oxide 1 25 g $277.00
672 Nickel Oxide 2 25 g $277.00
673 Nickel Oxide 3 25 g $271.00
674b X-Ray Powder Diffraction, Intensity Set Quant Analysis 10.00 g (powder) $714.00
675 Line Position, Mica (XRD) 7.5 g $667.00
676a Alumina Powder for Quantitative Analysis by X-ray 20 g $1,157.00
679 Brick Clay 75 g $350.00
680A-L1 High Purity Platinum 10 cm $238.00
682 High Purity Zinc block $433.00
683 Zinc, Metal block $346.00
685r High Purity Gold (Rod) rod 15g $761.00
688 Basalt Rock 60 g $353.00
689 Ferrochromium Silicon 100 g pow $292.00
690 Iron Ore Canada 100 g $250.00
691 Iron Oxide, Reduced 100 g $330.00
692 Iron Ore, Labrador 100 g $248.00
694 Phosphate Rock, Western 90 g $242.00
695 Trace Elements in Multi-Nutrient Fertilizer 70 g $637.00
696 Bauxite, Surinam 60 g $264.00
697 Bauxite, Dominican 60 g $275.00
698 Bauxite, Jamaican 60 g $288.00
699 Alumina (Reduction Grade) 60 g $233.00
705a Polystyrene 5 g $351.00
709 Extra Dense Lead 500 g $347.00
714 Alumina Glass Anneal Pt 225 g $201.00
717a Hi Boron Glass Viscosity 450 g $502.00
720 Sapphire Heat Capacity 15 g $243.00
726 Selenium, Inter-Purity 450 g $282.00
728 Zinc, Intermediate Purity 450 g $294.00
731l1 Borosilicate Glass - Thermal Expansion 5 cm $235.00
731l2 Borosilicate Glass - Thermal Expansion 10 cm $308.00
731l3 Borosilicate Glass - Thermal Expansion 15 cm $380.00
738 Stainless Steel - Thermal Expansion 51x6.4 mm $235.00
740a Zinc (Freezing Point) 200 g $356.00
741a Tin (Freezing Point) 200 g $1,924.00
742 Alumina (Reference Point) 10 g $259.00
743 Mercury (Triple Point) 680 g $343.00
762 Magnetic Moment Standard Nickel Disk 6 mm dia $364.00
764a Magnetic Susceptibility Standard - Platinum Cylinder 3 mm dia. x 3.42 $832.00
772a Nickel Sphere for Magnetic Moment each $365.00
773 Soda-Lime-Silica (Glass Liquidus) 7-2.5cm sq x $533.00
0.6cm, ~65g
774 Lead-Silica (Dielectric Constant) block $481.00
781d2 Molybdenum (Heat Capacity) 10 cm $347.00
853a Aluminum Alloy 3004 40 g $832.00
854a Aluminum Alloy 5182 40 g chip $848.00
855a Aluminum Casting Alloy 356 30 g $398.00
856a Aluminum Casting Alloy 380 30 g $419.00
858 Aluminum Alloy 6011 35 g $416.00
861 Nickel-based Superalloy 50 g $767.00
862 High Temp. Alloy L605 100 g $512.00
864 Inconel 600 100 g $502.00
865 Inconel 625 150 g $528.00
866 Incoloy, 800 100 g $493.00
867 Incoloy, 825 100 g $488.00
868 High Temp. Alloy Fe-Ni-Co 100 g $438.00
869b Column Selectivity Test Mixture for Liquid 5 x 1.1 mL $483.00
871 Bronze, Phosphor (CDA 521) 100 g $372.00
872 Bronze, Phosphor (CDA 544) 100 g $370.00
874 Cupro-Nickel, 10% (CDA 706) 100 g $351.00
875 Cupro-Nickel, 10% (CDA 706) 100 g $346.00
879 Nickel Silver, (CDA 762) 100 g $357.00
880 Nickel Silver, (CDA 770) 100 g $357.00
882 Alloy Ni-Cu-Al 100 g $373.00
885 Refined Copper 200 g $362.00
886 Gold, Ore Refractory 200 g $324.00
887 Cemented Carbide (W-83,Co-10) 100 g $311.00
888 Cemented Carbide (W-64,Co-25,Ta-5) 100 g $312.00
889 Cemented Carbide (W-75,Co-9,Ta-5,Ti-4) 100 g $332.00
890 Cast Iron, HC250+V 150 g $357.00
891 Cast Iron, Ni-Hard, Type I 150 g $425.00
892 Cast Iron, Ni-Hard, Type IV 150 g $345.00
893 Stainless Steel (SAE 405) 150 g $327.00
895 Stainless Steel (SAE 201) 150 g $337.00
897 Tracealloy A 35 g $547.00
898 Tracealloy B 35 g $458.00
899 Tracealloy C 35 g $484.00
909c Human Serum 3 bottles x 2 mL $621.00
911c Cholesterol 2 g $599.00
912a Urea-Clinical 25 g $260.00
913a Uric Acid 10 g $606.00
914a Creatinine 10 g $348.00
915b Calcium Carbonate (Clinical Standard) 20 g $387.00
917c D-Glucose (Dextrose) 50 g $342.00
918b Potassium Chloride (Clinical) 30 g $311.00
919b Sodium Chloride (Clinical) 30 g $311.00
920 D-Mannitol 50 g $293.00
921 Cortisol (Hydrocortisone) 1 g $288.00
924a Lithium Carbonate (Clinical) 30 g $392.00
925 VMA (Clinical) 1 g $301.00
927d Bovine Serum Albumin (7%, solution) set (10) $423.00
928 Lead Nitrate (Clinical) 30 g $231.00
929a Magnesium Gluconate 5 g $571.00
931g Liquid Absorbance Filters, UV-VIS set (12) $657.00
935a Potassium Dichromate, UV Absorbance Standard 15 g $386.00
937 Iron Metal (Clinical) 50 g $225.00
951a Boric Acid Isotopic Standard 2 g powder $291.00
952 Boric Acid 95% enr. 10B 0.25 g powder $245.00
953 Neutron Density Monitor Wire 1 m $197.00
955c Toxic Metals in Caprine Blood 4 vials $534.00
956c Electrolytes in Frozen Human Serum 6 x 2.0 mL $773.00
963a Fission Track Glass U-1 mg/g set (6) $236.00
965b Glucose in Frozen Human Serum set (8) (2 each $671.00
967a Creatinine in Frozen Human Serum set(4) (2 each $496.00
968e Fat-Sol Vitamins, Carotenoids, and Cholesterol in set (3) (1 each $555.00
Human Serum conc.)
970 Ascorbic Acid in Frozen Human Serum set (4) (2 each $533.00
971 Hormones in Frozen Human Serum 2 x 5 mL $806.00
972 Vitamin D in Human Serum set (4) (1 each $618.00
973 Boric Acid (Acidimetric Standard) 100 g $369.00
975a Isotopic Standard for Chlorine 0.25 g $393.00
977 Bromine (Isotopic) 0.25 g $272.00
978a Silver (Isotopic) 0.25 g $309.00
979 Chromium (Isotopic) 0.25 g $343.00
980 Magnesium (Isotopic) 0.25 g $352.00
981 Natural Lead (Isotopic) 1 g wire $347.00
982 Equal-Atom Lead (Isotopic) Standard 1 g wire $352.00
983 Radiogenic Lead (Isotopic) 1 g wire $347.00
984 Rubidium Assay (Isotopic) 0.25 g $367.00
986 Nickel (Isotopic) 0.5 g $368.00
987 Strontium Carbonate (Isotopic Standard) 1 g $347.00
994 Gallium (Isotopic) 0.25 g $347.00
997 Thallium (Isotopic) 0.25 g $299.00
998 Angiotensin I (Human) 0.5 mg $482.00
999b Potassium Chloride (Primary Chemical) 30 g $328.00
1003c Glass Spheres (Particle Size) 28 g $467.00
1004b Glass Beads - Particle Size Distribution 43 g $436.00
1006d Smoke Density, Cellulose 9 sheets $983.00
1007b Smoke Density Chamber Standard set (3) $445.00
1010a Microcopy Resolution Test Charts set (5) $342.00