N5183A 安捷伦信号发生器|安捷伦N5183A|67GHZ安捷伦发生器
- 型号:N5183A
- 产地:美国安捷伦Agilent
- 供应商:深圳市邦亚电子科技有限公司
- 供应商报价:面议
- 标签:安捷伦信号发生器|安捷伦N5183A|67GHZ安捷伦发生器,-1,深圳市邦亚电子科技有限公司
品牌 | 安捷伦 |
N5183A MXG Microwave Analog Signal Generator
Signal Characteristics
100 kHz to 20, 31.8 or 40 GHz
+18 dBm at 20 GHz output power
≤ 900 µs frequency switching speeds
≤ -98 dBc/Hz typical phase noise at 20 kHz offset
Modulation and Sweep
AM, FM, ΦM, and pulse modulation
< 10 ns pulse rise/fall time and 20 ns pulse widths
Digital and step sweep
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Evaluate the pre-configured N5183AEP MXG Microwave Signal Generator Express Configuration
Automation and Communcation Interface
100BaseT LAN, USB 2.0 and GPIB
LXI class-B compliant
SCPI and IVI-COM drivers
Backward compatible with PSG, 8340, 8360 and 8370 Series signal generators
Microwave signal generation optimized for manufacturing
N5183A MXG microwave analog signal generators deliver the performance needed for broadband component manufacturing up to 40 GHz. This instrument provides ≤ 900 µs frequency switching (≤600 µs typically) to improve test times for applications like antenna test and manufacturing, with a small size (2RU) to better utilize rack space. Excellent power and level accuracy make the MXG microwave a reliable stimulus for driving high power devices. The MXG microwave can be configured to meet your test needs today, from LO substitution and CW interferer to analog modulation for device characterization, and is easily upgraded to meet your needs in the future.
Simplified self-maintenance maximizes uptime
Every element of the MXG microwave is designed to reduce cost of ownership, from field replaceable assemblies to tools for on-site performance verification, instrument uptime is maximized with simplified self-maintenance and repair.
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