美国BARTON(巴顿)SCR 36141-1A 36141-2差压表 美国BARTON(巴顿)SCR 36141-1A 36141-2差压表
- 型号:美国BARTON(巴顿)SCR 36141-1A 36141-2差压表
- 供应商:西安科润测控有限公司
- 供应商报价:面议
- 标签:美国BARTON(巴顿)SCR 36141-1A 36141-2差压表,0,西安科润测控有限公司
0-30”w.c. to 0-50”w.c.
(0-75 mbar to 0-124 mbar)……… ±0.75% of full scale
0-51”w.c. to 0-60 psi
(0-127 mbar to 0-4.1 bar)……… ±0.5% of full scale
0-61 psi. to 0-150 psi
(0-4.2 bar to 0-10.3 bar)……… ±0.75% of full scale
0-151 psi. to 0-400 psi
(0-10.4 bar to 0-27.6 bar)……… ±1.0% of full scale
0-401 psi. to 0-600 psi
(0-27.7 bar to 0-41.3 bar)……… ±1.5% of full scale
0-601 psi. to 0-1000 psi
(0-41.4 bar to 0-69 bar)……… ±4.0% of full scale
Dial Size ………………………..6” Diameter