HP/Agilent 8546A (EMI 接收仪
- 产地:深圳
- 供应商:深圳市万腾通科技有限公司
- 供应商报价:面议
- 标签:HP/Agilent 8546A (EMI 接收仪,2000,深圳市万腾通科技有限公司
品牌 | 安捷伦 |
8546A EMI接收器详细资料
The Agilent 8546A EMI test receiver makes CISPR-based EMI measurements with unprecedented accuracy, speed, and ease of use. It is fully CISPR 16-1 compliant, and can be used to check conformance to any civilian EMI standard, including CISPR, EN, FCC, VCCI, and VDE. With an upper frequency of 6.5 GHz, the Agilent 8546A can test the newest high-speed ITE equipment. The Agilent 8546A works with our PC-based EMI measurement software (Agilent 8587 or 85876B) to create the most powerful, easiest-to-use automated solution available for commercial radiated and conducted emission testing.