ZXQ/XQ-1 金相岩相镶嵌机ZXQ/XQ-1系列
- 型号:ZXQ/XQ-1
- 产地:中国
- 供应商:上海磐尔仪器仪表有限公司
- 供应商报价:3200
- 标签:金相岩相镶嵌机ZXQ/XQ-1系列,3200,上海磐尔仪器仪表有限公司
ZXQ型自动金相岩相试样镶嵌机 ■ 商品描述: ◆ 对金相岩相试样进行分析,镶嵌是试样制备的*道工序,尤其对于一些不易手拿的微小的样品、形状不规则的样品或需进行自动磨、抛的样品,试样制备前进行镶嵌是重要的工序。 ■ 主要参数: 产品型号:ZXQ-2、ZXQ-2B, 产品名称:金相岩相试样镶嵌机 制样过程:自动 试样压制规格:φ22mm,φ30mm,φ45mm 加热器:220V,650W,50Hz 电源总功率:1000W 变频器:300W 外形尺寸:380*350*420mm 净重:50Kg |
Metallographic Specimen Mounting Press
1. 海拔高度不超过1000米;
2. 周围介质温度不高于+40℃,及不低于-10℃;
3. 空气在相对湿度不大于85%(在20℃时);
4. 周围没有导电尘埃,爆炸性气体,及能严重破坏金属和绝缘的腐蚀 性气体;
5. 没有明显的震动和颠簸。
Model XQ-2B Metallographic Specimen Mounting Press(mounting press for shortp) is applicable for the most plastics pressing forming of tiny fractonal metallographic specimen. After formed, the specimen can be grinded and polished easily and its microstructure can be measured readily under metalloscope.
The reliability of the mounting press can be assured under following conditions:
1. Altitude above the sea level less than 1000m.
2. Ambient temperature between +40 and -10.
3. Air relative humidity less than 85%(at 20 ).
4. No conductive dust, explosive gas and corrosive gas harmful to metal and insulation are insulation are around the machine.
5. No apparent Vibration and shaking.
Brief Description
The mounting press is a mechanical type machine. By turning the hand-wheel outside the machine, a couple of bevel gear is rotated to drive the screw rod which in turn pushes/pulls the lower dieup and down along the mould sleeve, the thermosat plastics together with specimen being mounted is formed under heated conditions. During this process the pressure is self adjusted by a spring fixed inside the machine. A signal light is used to indicate the pressure level.
1.试样压制规格Φ22×15mm; Φ30×15mm; Φ45×15mm
2.加热器规格 650W,220V。800W,220V.
3.控制电源 电压波动不大于±15%,220V,50Hz
4.外型尺寸 340X270X400mm
5.净重 33Kg