特别提示:包括2×TaqMan Fast qPCR预混液在内,本公司的所有产品仅可用于科研实验,严禁用于临床YL及其他非科研用途!
产品名称:2×TaqMan Fast qPCR预混液
英文名称:2X TaqMan Fast qPCR Master Mix
概述The 2xTaqMan Fast qPCR Master Mix is a ready-to-use cocktail containing fast hot start Taq DNA Polymerase,MgSO4,dNTP Mix and some stabilizers.It is supplied as a 2X Master Mix containing all components except primers,probe and template for fast-cycling probe-based real-time PCR.The fast hot start Taq DNA Polymerase and proprietary buffer system reduce the formation of the primer dimers,enhance the amplification specificity and high detection sensitivity in real-time qPCR.
The DNF Buffer is specific for the primers which exist multi nonspecific amplification.For some DNA sequences there are no good primers,the DNF Buffer can be added to the reaction mix according to the following protocol.
The ROX reference dye is not included in the TaqMan Fast qPCR Master Mix and applicable to the real time PCR instruments that are no need to normalization by the Rox reference,like Rotor-Gene?,DNA Engine Opticon?,Opticon?2,Chromo 4?Real-Time Detector,Mastercycler?ep realplex,Smart Cycler?,Roche LightCycler?480,Roche LightCycler?Nano,Bio-Rad CFX96,and Illumina Eco?.
特点 - The 2×TaqMan Fast qPCR Master Mix is a ready-to-use cocktail,which only add primers probe and template to set up the reaction mix.
- The unique hot-start way of the hot start Taq DNA Polymerase and optimal buffer system ensure the high amplification specificity and efficiency.
- The hot start Taq DNA Polymerase in the 2×TaqMan Fast qPCR Master Mix has faster extension rates than common hot start Taq DNA Polymerase,making the total reaction time of the real time qPCR shorter.
- The unique DNF Buffer is specific for the primers which exist multi nonspecific amplification.
- There are three kinds of 2×SG Fast qPCR Master Mix including no/low/high Rox reference,applying to all the the real time PCR instruments.
组份2xTaqMan Fast qPCR Master Mix;DNF Buffer;Sterilized ddH2O.
2×TaqMan Fast qPCR预混液,质量上佳,价格普惠,欢迎广大新老客户踊跃订购。