YTN-100H YTN-100HZ YTN-100 YTN-100Z 旋压密封全不锈钢耐震压力表
- 型号:YTN-100H YTN-100HZ YTN-100 YTN-100Z
- 产地:北京
- 供应商:卓尔瑞华北京科技有限公司
- 供应商报价: 1.00¥
- 标签:旋压密封全不锈钢耐震压力表,旋压密封全不锈钢耐震压力表价格,旋压密封全不锈钢耐震压力表厂家
> 4MPa, Helical tube; YTN copper alloy
密封件丁腈橡胶/ EPDM
Seal: EPDM
Liquid filling: glycerin;(dry type available)
仪表机芯不锈钢/ 铜
Internals: Stainless Steel, copper
Window: Instrument plain glass (Organic glass,laminated safety glass available)
Seal: Silicone rubber
单位Unit (mm)
注:1) h、p 与接头种类有关 2) 螺纹多种定制
Note:1) h, p is relative to the type 2) We have made kinds of screw thread to orders.
选型代码code 量程规格ranges
M500 -0.1~0 MPa M010 0.06MPa M160 2.5 MPa
M510 -0.1~0.06MPa M030 0.1 MPa M180 4.0 MPa
M520 -0.1~0.15MPa M040 0.16 MPa M200 6.0 MPa
M530 -0.1~0.3MPa M060 0.25 MPa M220 10 MPa
M540 -0.1~0.5MPa M080 0.4 MPa M230 16 MPa
M550 -0.1~0.9MPa M100 0.6 MPa M240 25 MPa
M560 -0.1~1.5MPa M120 1.0 MPa M270 40 MPa
M570 -0.1~2.4MPa M140 1.6 MPa M280 60 MPa
M290 100 MPa
型号代码特性说明Code Introduction
基本型号Basic type
YTHN 全不锈钢耐震压力表
All Stainless Steel Vibration-proof Pressure gauge
YTN 一般耐震压力表
General Vibration-proof Pressure gauge
外 径Diameter
100 ф 100mm
安 装 方 式Mounting
AO 径向直接安装Bottom mounting
AH 径向后背板安装Bottom postnotum mounting
BO 下轴向直接安装Lower back mounting
BT 下轴向嵌装Lower back panel mounting
524 不锈钢外壳安装式,旋压密封式罩壳
Stainless Steel case, Installation, Roll formed
224 铁外壳安装式,旋压密封式罩壳
Iron case, Installation, Roll formed
量 程Ranges
M120 1MPa(其它规格详见量程代码表 See range table)
连 接 螺 纹Connection
M20 M201.5 Z14 NPT1/4
G12 G1/2 R38 ZG3/8
Z12 NPT1/2 Z38 NPT3/8
备 选 项Options
GKB 抛光处理Polishing SBE 聚碳酸脂玻璃Polycarbonate glass
PHD 缓冲螺钉Buffer screw SBD 安全双层玻璃laminated safety glass
SKA 碳钢外壳Carbon steel case SBB 有机玻璃Organic glass
SKB SUS304 外壳case GHB 不锈钢管银焊Stainless Steel tube silver soldering
BDA 1 级精度Accuracy: 1% FWP 加不锈钢位号PaiStainless Steel label
SYB 硅油Silicone oil TPB