15596-018 TRIzol® Reagent
- 型号:15596-018
- 产地:北京
- 供应商:北京明阳科华生物科技有限公司
- 供应商报价: 1986.00¥
- 标签:TRIzol® Reagent,TRIzol® Reagent价格,TRIzol® Reagent厂家
Sample Type (General): | Bacteria, Cells, Blood, Yeast, Tissue, Viral Samples, Plant Samples |
High Throughput Compatibility: | Not High Throughput-Compatible (Manual) |
Downstream Application: | Reverse Transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR), Northern Blotting, Cloning, Real-Time Quantitative PCR (qPCR), Nuclease Protection Assays, cDNA Library Construction |
Scale: | Scaleable |
System: | TRIzol |
Quantity: | 1 |
Product Size: | 200 mL |
Final Product: | Total RNA, micro RNA, Transcriptome RNA |
Purification Time: | 1 hr |
Number of Reactions: | 200 Preps |
Isolation Technology: | Organic Extraction |
Starting Material (Amount): | Up to 1 g tissue, Up to 1 x 10^7 cells |
Shipping Condition: | Room Temperature |