
LCC-80(美国路阳) 紫外光观察箱

LCC-80紫外观察箱满足暗室要求,提供的的荧光分析及照相功能。观察窗配有紫外防紫外镜,舒适、安全。可以很方便地拆下观察窗,装上相机适配件照相。*结实、耐用。两种系列均由铝材作成,涂有防化学聚亚安脂涂层。毡帘便于样品进出,同时防光线。 箱内配一个25W白光灯便于样品操作。箱子的 顶部装有开关,方便地控制箱外的紫外灯及箱内的白光灯。宽大的LCC-80 可放入标准凝胶及两片8 x 8" (20 x 20cm)样品, 而LCL-150则可轻轻松地 放入更大的凝胶及多达四片8 x 8" (20 x 20cm)样品。*为了获得Z大的荧光反应,该系列观察箱可与相应系列紫外灯相匹配。 LCC-80可以配用E系列手持式紫外灯,提供短波,中波及长波各种组合应 用。LCC-81在LCC-80观察箱的基础上,具有365nm长波及254nm短波紫外灯管。大些的LCL-150观察箱配有X系列紫外灯,同时提供短波,中波及长波各种组合应用。LCL-151在LCL-150观察箱的基础上紫外灯管。*底板很容易取下,以便安装紫外透射仪以获得更高的紫外线强度及荧光对比度。LCC-80紫外观察箱的技术参数:
  产品名称   介绍
  紫外观察箱;可选配照相适配件;规格描述:标准箱,带25W白光灯;尺寸:20¼长 x 17½宽 x 9¾"高,(51.4长 x 44.5宽 x 24.8cm高);净重:11½ lbs,(5.2kg);
  紫外观察箱;可选配照相适配件;规格描述:CC-80配上ENF-280C紫外灯(配有1支365nm长波及1支254nm短波8W紫外灯管及滤色片。6英寸(15cm)距离下紫外强度UVA: 470 UVC:500 uw/cm2);尺寸:20¼长 x 17½宽 x 9¾"高,(51.4长 x 44.5宽 x 24.8cm高);净重:14¼ lbs,(6.5kg);
  紫外观察箱;可选配照相适配件;规格描述:标准箱,带25W白光灯;尺寸:24¼长 x 19½宽 x 12¾"高,(61.6长 x 49.5宽 x 32.4cm高);净重:15 lbs,(6.8kg);
   紫外观察箱;可选配照相适配件;规格描述:CL-150配上XX-15NF紫外灯(配有一支长波365nm波长紫外灯管及一支254nm波长短波紫外灯管和滤色片,10英寸(25cm)距离下紫外强度为UVA:550uw/cm2 UVC:490uw/cm2) ;尺寸:24¼长 x 19½宽 x 12¾"高,(61.6长 x 49.5宽 x 32.4cm高);净重:21.5 lbs,(9.8kg);
LCC-80紫外观察箱的英文介绍:Modular design allows you to vary wavelengths with interchangeable Spectroline lamps Maximize fluorescent contrast with the addition of a Spectroline transilluminator Flexible, contoured eyepiece features a UV-absorbing window for viewing safety Eyepiece is easily removable to allow substitution of "snap-on" Spectroline camera adapter. The CC-80 cabinet accepts standard electrophoresis gels and up to two 8 x 8 inch (20 x 20 cm) TLC plates, while the LCL-150 easily accommodates large gels and up to four 8 x 8 inch plates.   For use with all Spectroline cabinets, Spectronics carries a full line of UV lamps and transilluminators as well as additional camera adapters/filters for LCC-80 and LCL-150 photo documentation workstations.   Publication-quality images Custom “snap-on” adapters for both CC- and CL-series Compatible with Polaroid and SLR cameras Gelatin filters provide contrast for specific film documentation Spectroline camera adapters help produce publication-quality digital images, prints, transparencies or negative of samples with light-tight, custom “snapon” camera adapters. They make the CC-80 and CL-150 instantly compatible with Polaroid DS-34, CU-5 and MP-4 camera systems as well as 35mm SLR camera. Simply snap any of the light-tight adapters onto the cabinet in place of the UV-absorbing eyepiece then add an applicable gelatin filter to produce prints, transparencies or negatives of samples.


Complete with 25-watt white light bulb

Long wave (UV-A) and short wave (UV-C) complete with 25-watt white light bulb andLEAC-280Llamp featuring 8-watt LW tube, 8-watt SW tube and filter assembly

Complete with 25-watt white light bulb

Long wave (UV-A) and short wave (UV-C) with 25-watt white light bulb andLXAC-215Llamp featuring 15-watt LW tube,15-watt SW tube and filter assembly


20 x 17 x 9 in H
(51.4L x 44.5W x 24.8 cm H)

24 x 19  x 12 in H
(61.6L x 49.5W x 32.4 cm H)

Net Weight

(5.2 kg)

(6.5 kg)

15 lbs
(6.8 kg)

21.5 lbs
(9.8 kg)

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