回收二手仪器 Anristu 安立 MS2726C 回收二手仪器 Anristu 安立 MS2726C
- 型号:回收二手仪器 Anristu 安立 MS2726C
- 产地:广东 深圳市
- 供应商:深圳市龙岗区平湖新科宇电子仪器有限公司
- 供应商报价: 1.00¥
- 标签:回收二手仪器 Anristu 安立 MS2726C,回收二手仪器 Anristu 安立 MS2726C价格,回收二手仪器 Anristu 安立 MS2726C厂家
回收二手仪器 Anristu 安立 MS2726C 频谱分析仪
联系: 邹先生
品Pai:Anristu 安立
nristu MS2726C 频谱分析仪简介:
The latest generation of Anritsu handheld spectrum analyzers includes the MS2726C Spectrum Master. This high performance spectrum analyzer offers exciting new features and options, which bring more value to the user over our previous generations:
Frequency Coverage - 9 kHz to 43 GHz
Broadband preamplifiers over the whole frequency range for increased sensitivity around 20 dB
Three Sweep Modes – with improved Sweep Speed - up to 100 times faster
Resolution Bandwidths from 1 Hz to 10 MHz
More zero-span capabilities including 10 MHz RBW & VBW
Enhanced Spectrum Analyzer GUI including large marker display choice
Choice of display options for readability – normal, black and white, night vision, high contrast
On-screen Interference Mapping as part of the Interference Analysis option
LTE Measurements up to 20 MHz
30 MHz Wide Zero-Span IF Output at 140 MHz center frequency for external demodulation of virtually any other wideband signal
Anristu MS2726C 频谱分析仪参数:
Low end frequency limit 9.00 kHz
High end frequency limit 43.00 GHz
Resolution Bandwidth Min. 1 Hz
Resolution Bandwidth Max. 10.00 MHz
Amplitude Range DANL to 30 dBm
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