8164A Agilent 8164A 安捷伦 光波万用表
- 型号:8164A
- 产地:广东 广州市
- 供应商:广州优西科学仪器有限公司
- 供应商报价: 电议
- 标签:Agilent 8164A 安捷伦 光波万用表,Agilent 8164A 安捷伦 光波万用表价格,Agilent 8164A 安捷伦 光波万用表厂家
The HP 8164A mainframe features connectivity to a wide range of controlling equipment through GPIB, RS-232C and PC Card interface. Configurable hardware input and output trigger ports complete the HP 8164A’s ability to operate in an auto-mated test environment. A 3.5" floppy drive, VGA port, keyboard connector and parallel printer port are included.
• Tunable lasers for all gain bands
• The HP 81680A and 81682A modules operate in the 1550 nm band whereas the HP 81640A covers the wavelength range from 1500 nm to 1640 nm.
• Optimum tuning precision for the test of critical dense-WDM devices.
The HP 81640A, 81680A and 81682A Tunable Laser modules with their built-in wavelength control loop push today’s performance limits. As they are all mode-hop free tunable with continuous output power, they qualify for the test of the most critical DWDM components. All three modules fit into the bottom slot of the HP 8164A mainframe.