- 品牌:美国
- 型号:CrystaLaser
- 产地:进口
- 供应商:上海玻色智能科技有限公司
- 标签:红外线和紫外线激光等半导体泵浦固体激光器, 货号:, 美国, CrystaLaser, 上海玻色智能科技有限公司,红外线和紫外线激光等半导体泵浦固体激光器报价/价格,销售,使用,原理,操作,说明书,资料下载,促销,技术参数,维修,保修,售后服务,代理商,经销商,技术支持,进口/国产,用途
Tel: 021-33530926 Fax:021-33530928 Email: info@bosontech.com.cn
CrystaLaser, founded in 1995, located in Reno, Nevada, USA, is a leading manufacturer and designer of ultra-compact diode-pumped solid-state DPSS crystal laser systems. We design, manufacture, assembly and service the laser products in the USA.
CrystaLaser provides turn-key laser solutions. The lasers feature with high laser efficiency, high reliability, high stability and excellent laser beam quality. The lasers are designed very easy to use, plug and play.
CrystaLaser manufactures compact diode-pumped solid-state DPSS crystal laser products including diode-pumped green laser, violet laser, blue laser, yellow laser, orange laser, red laser, infrared laser and ultraviolet UV Laser systems. The Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF, Nd:YVO4, and SHG THG FHG of YAG, YLF and YVO4 lasers with true CW output and Q-switched pulsed output are for industrial instrumentation applications in holography, biomedical, fluorescence, reprographics, laser trapping, interferometry, semiconductor inspection and material processing.
CrystaLaser provides the most wide laser wavelength selections of the compact solid-state lasers. Over 40 laser wavelength selections from UV, blue, green, yellow, red to IR are available
The diode-pumped solid state lasers are based on our proprietary laser cavity technology, which allows the lasers to operate in a single longitudinal mode and single TEMoo mode with low noise and extremely low power consumption in a compact laser housing.
CrystaLaser is the exclusive distributor in the North America for the laser products of Rainbow Photonics, Zurich, Switzerland Infrared tunable cw laser, SBS Cells, DAST Crystals and KNbO3 Waveguides