查询甄准 半挥发性化合物SVOCs标准品,用于环境监测
- 型号:查询甄准
- 产地:上海
- 供应商:上海甄准生物科技有限公司
- 供应商报价: 电议
- 标签:半挥发性化合物SVOCs标准品,用于环境监测,半挥发性化合物SVOCs标准品,用于环境监测价格,半挥发性化合物SVOCs标准品,用于环境监测厂家
货号 | 英文品名 | 中文品名 | CAS NO. | 含量 | 规格 |
ZZS-ERA-009 | Acenaphthene | 苊标准品 | 83-32-9 | 99% | 250mg |
ZZS-ERA-010 | Anthracene | 蒽标准品 | 120-12-7 | 99% | 250mg |
ZZS-ERB-001 | Benzo(k)fluoranthene | 苯并[k]荧蒽标准品 | 207-08-9 | 99% | 100mg |
ZZS-ERB-002 | Benzo(b)fluoranthene | 苯并(B)荧标准品 | 205-99-2 | 99% | 100mg |
ZZS-ERB-003 | Benzo(g,h,i)perylene | 苯并(G,H,I)苝标准品 | 191-24-2 | 99% | 25mg |
ZZS-ERB-005 | Benzo(j)fluoranthene | 苯并(十)荧蒽标准品 | 205-82-3 | 98% | 25mg |
ZZS-ERB-006 | Benz(a)anthracene | 苯并蒽标准品 | 56-55-3 | 99% | 100mg |
ZZS-ERB-007 | Benzo(a)pyrene | 苯并(a)芘标准品 | 50-32-8 | 98% | 100mg |
ZZS-ERB-040 | Benzo(c)phenanthrene | 苯并(三)菲标准品 | 195-19-7 | 99% | 25mg |
ZZS-ERB-075 | Base/Neutral Mixture-6 | 基础/中性混合-6标准品 | 2000 μg/mL of each component | 1.2mL | |
ZZS-ERB-076 | Base/Neutrals Surrogate Standard | 基础/中性色代替标准标准品 | 1000 μg/mL of each component | 1.2mL | |
ZZS-ERC-001 | Chrysene | 屈标准品 | 218-01-9 | 99% | 100mg |
ZZS-ERC-047 | Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Mixture | 氯代烃类混合物标准品 | 2000 μg/mL of each component | 1.2mL | |
ZZS-ERD-132S | 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine | 3,3'-二甲基联苯胺标准品 | 119-93-7 | 2000 μg/mL | 1.2mL |
ZZS-ERI-001 | Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene | 茚并(1,2,3-C,D)芘标准品 | 193-39-5 | 99% | 25mg |
ZZS-ERN-003 | Naphthalene | 萘标准品 | 91-20-3 | 99% | 250mg |
ZZS-ERO-001 | Octachlorostyrene | 八氯苯乙烯标准品 | 29082-74-4 | 99% | 25mg |
ZZS-ERP-003 | Phenanthrene | 菲标准品 | 85-01-8. | 99% | 250mg |
ZZS-ERP-004 | Pyrene | 芘标准品 | 129-00-0 | 99% | 250mg |
ZZS-ERP-095 | Phenol Mixture-1 | 苯酚混合物-1标准品 | 2000 μg/mL of each component | 1.2ml | |
ZZS-ERS-013 | Semivolatile Pesticides Stock Standard | 半挥发性农药 Stock 标准标准品 | 2000 μg/mL of each component | 1.2ml | |
ZZS-ERS-020 | Internal Standards Mixture | 内标混合标准品 | 4000 μg/mL of each component | 1.2ml | |
ZZS-ERS-021 | Surrogate Standard-1 | 代替标准-1标准品 | Each component at stated concentration (μg/mL) | 1.2ml | |
ZZS-ERS-026 | BNA Working Calibration Standard | BNA工作校准标准标准品 | 160 μg/mL (or as stated) of each component | 5x1.2mL | |
ZZS-ERS-063 | Pyridines Mixture | 吡啶混合物标准品 | 2000 μg/mL of each component | 1.2ml | |
ZZS-ERS-072 | BNA Working Calibration Standard | BNA工作校准标准标准品 | 160 μg/mL (or as stated) of each component | 1.2ml | |
ZZS-ERS-076 | BNA Working Calibration Standard | BNA工作校准标准标准品 | 200 μg/mL (without surrogates) of each component | 5ml | |
ZZS-ERS-077 | LCS Mix | LCS混合标准品 | 200 μg/mL of each component | 5ml | |
ZZS-ERS-082 | LCS Additional Analyte Mix 1 | LCS其他分析物混合1标准品 | 200 μg/mL of each component | 5ml | |
ZZS-ERS-090 | Surrogate Standard-2 | 代替标准-2标准品 | 4000 μg/mL of each component | 1.2mL | |
ZZS-ERS-091 | Internal Standards Mixture | 内标混合标准品 | 2000 μg/mL of each component | 1.2mL | |
ZZS-SCA-005 | Acenaphthylene | 苊标准品 | 208-96-8 | 99% | 1g |
ZZS-SCA-009 | Acenaphthene | 苊标准品 | 83-32-9 | 99% | 5g |
ZZS-SCB-001 | Benzo(k)fluoranthene | 苯并[k]荧蒽标准品 | 207-08-9 | 99% | 1g |
ZZS-SCB-002 | Benzo(b)fluoranthene | 苯并(B)荧标准品 | 205-99-2 | 99% | 1g |
ZZS-SCB-003 | Benzo(g,h,i)perylene | 苯并(G,H,I)苝标准品 | 191-24-2 | 99% | 1g |
ZZS-SCB-006 | Benz(a)anthracene | 苯并蒽标准品 | 56-55-3 | 99% | 1g |
ZZS-SCB-007 | Benzo(a)pyrene | 苯并(a)芘标准品 | 50-32-8 | 98% | 1g |
ZZS-SCO-001 | Octachlorostyrene | 八氯苯乙烯标准品 | 29082-74-4 | 99% | 1g |