是否提供加工定制 | 否 | 品Pai | Feasa |
型号 | LED测试仪 | 测量范围 | 450nm-650nm |
测量精度 | 5nm | 外形尺寸 | 100*29*50(mm) |
用途 | LED颜色与亮度测试 | 工作温度 | 0-50(°C) |
重量 | 0.3(Kg) | | |
Feasa LED测试仪的使用Using the Feasa LED Tester(Analyser):

The Feasa LED Analyser is a measurement system that allows fast and automatic testing of both the color and intensity (Brightness) of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). testing of both the color and intensity (Brightness) of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). Each LED Analyzer can simultaneously measure up to 20 different light sources for Color and Intensity. Light from the LEDs is collected by Plastic Optical Fibers (POF) and carried to the LED Analyzer board for measurement and analysis. The unit has been designed for testing LED's and other lighting devices such as LCD Displays automatically.该分析结果可以通过并行接口、RS232串行接口或USB接口读取,读回所需信息的时间小于1.5秒,这使得它非常适合集成在自动测试设备(ATE)。对于超过20个 通道的LED测量,可以串联多个LED测试仪同时使用。The result of the analysis can be read out via the parallel interface, RS232 serial interface or USB. The time needed to read back the information is less than 1.5 seconds, which makes it very suitable to integrate in automatic test equipment (ATE). For applications with more than 20 LEDs multiple LED Analysers can be used together.LED测试仪可用于功能测试 系统和ICT在线测试系统的应用程序。测试的应用范围从LED的显示器和移动,汽车照明等,在电子行业生产线检查系统中也被应用于替代人工视觉。The LED Analyser can be used for both Functional testing and for In-Circuit test applications. The applications range from testing LED’s and Displays in mobile phones, lighting systems in the automobile industry or position checking of electronics components in production lines. It has also been implemented in artificial vision applications.Feasa LED测试仪是一个功能强大,高度精确,高重复性,适应性强,使用方便,快速,全自动化LED颜色和强度测量 仪器,广泛应用于PCB业界和测试设备。In summary the Feasa LED Analyser is a powerful, highly accurate, highly repeatable, adaptable, easy to use, fast and fully automated LED color and intensity measurement sensor which has found many applications in the PCB industry on both functional and In-Circuit test equipment.

Feasa LED测试仪的优势Advantages of the Feasa LED Analyser>该系统的设计保证了良好的重复性和颜色的判别。The design of the system ensures an excellent repeatability and color discrimination.>高度准确地测量LED色彩。Highly accurate representation of the LED color in different color space.>安装方便。Easy installation.>使用1mm的光纤(POF),可轻松地使用现成的工具。Uses 1mm plastic optic fiber (POF) which can be worked on easily using many off the shelf tools.>非常适合用在小空间。Very suitable for applications where space is at a premium.>可以修改LED分析仪传感器的灵敏度。Possibility to modify the sensitivity of the LED Analyser sensor.>闪烁和PWM(脉宽调制),也可以进行测试。Blinking and PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) LEDs can also be tested.>串行RS232,ICT和USB接口。Serial RS232, ICT and USB interfaces available.>LED分析仪使用的系统,可以测量和测试所有类型LED的颜色和亮度。All types, colors and brightness of LED's can be measured and tested using the LED Analyser system.>从2到20个通道,以适应任何类型的应用。Different versions of the tester, featuring from 2 to 20 channels to adapt it easier to any kind of applicationFeasa LED测试仪的应用Applications of the Led Analyser
LED指示灯Indicator LEDs 服务器RJ45连接器指示灯RJ45 Connectors 显示面板Display Panels 应急信号灯Emergency Signals 交通信号灯Traffic Lights 铁路信号灯Railway Signals | 汽车Automotive 行驶照明灯Daytime Running Lights 刹车灯Brake Lights 高位刹车灯Centre High Mount Stop Lights 转向信号灯Side Turn Signals 紧急报警灯Emergency Stop Signal |
内发光指示灯(汽车及航空电子)Interior Lights 仪表盘Dashboard 地图灯Map Lights 环境灯Mood Lights | LCD背光LCD Backlighting 电视TV 笔记本/电脑显示器Notebook/PC 面板Cell Phones/Smart Phones |
航空照明Aviation Lighting 着陆灯Landing Lights | |
INTERFACES | Feasa I | Feasa F |
USB RS232 10/20 Pin Port - Frequency Out 10/20 Pin Port - Synchronous Serial Daisy Chain | NO YES YES YES NO | YES YES NO NO YES |
注:1、USB接口可以直接为LED测试仪供电,不需要额外提供外部电源。波特率达460800。USBoffers a very simple interface to the LED Analyser with no requirement for an additional power supply. Very high baud rates, up to 460800 baud, are available.2、RS232串口波特率达115200,需要额外提供外部电源。TheRS232 Serial Portis easy to use with a max baud rate of 115200. It requires the use of an external power supply.The 20pin ICT Port can be used in either Frequency Out or Synchronous Serial Mode.3、Frequency Out应用于RS232串口不能访问的情况下,用三个频率表示LED的颜色与亮度。The Frequency Out protocol can be used where access to an RS232 Serial Port is not available. Three frequencies are used to represent the Color and Intensity of the LEDs.4、Synchronous Serial应用于当使用者的资源受限或者没有其它端口可供选择的情况下。The Synchronous Serial protocol is suitable when tester resources are limited or no other options are available.5、Daisy Chain接口可以将多个LED测试仪使用菊花链连接器连接在一起,只需要一个RS232串行端口或USB端口连接多达30个LED测试仪。Multiple LED Analysers can be connected together using the Daisy Chain Connectors. Only one RS232 Serial Port or USB Port is required to connect up to 30 LED Analysers.TEST TIME测试时间:测试速度取决于LED的亮度,亮度高的测试时间短,亮度低的测试时间长。根据LED的光强(亮度)一次同时测试20个LED的时间快达1.2ms。从光纤中读取数据,平均每根光纤大约5ms。见下面举例:The speed of the test is dependent on the intensity of the LEDs being tested, i.e. Bright LEDs have a shorter Test Time, Dimmer LEDs have a longer Test Time.The capture (measurement) of up to 20 LEDs is done in parallel and can be achieved in times as fast as 1.2ms depending on the Intensity (Brightness).The data is read back from each fiber sequentially and takes approximately 5ms per fiber, for example:Ultra High Brigh LEDs:1 LED ---捕捉时间2ms加上数据读取时间5ms,总共7ms。1 LED ---Capture Time is 2ms and Read Back is 5ms, Total 7ms20LED's---捕捉时间2ms加上数据读取时间100ms,总共102ms。20LED's---Capture Time is 2ms and Read Back is 100ms, Total 102msDim LEDs:1 LED ---捕捉时间650ms加上数据读取时间5ms,总共655ms。1 LED ---Capture Time is 650ms and Read Back is 5ms, Total 655ms20LED's---捕捉时间650ms加上数据读取时间100ms,总共750ms。20LED's---Capture Time is 650ms and Read Back is 100ms, Total 750msUSB、RS232端口测试捕捉时间 USB / RS232 SERIAL PORT – TEST CAPTURE TIMES
类型Range | 捕捉时间Capture Time |
C (Auto Capture) C1 (Low Intensity) C2 (Medium Intensity) C3 (High Intensity) C4 (Super High Intensity) C5 (Ultra High Intensity) | 350ms 650ms 200ms 22ms 4ms 2ms |
每根光纤读取时间一般保持在5ms时间左右。The Read Back Time per fiber is always approximately 5ms.ICT捕捉时间与USB/RS232串口相同。但是,数据读取时间取决于于被测量的频率。使用安捷伦i3070的读取的时间大约是400ms至700ms。For ICT the Capture Times are the same as USB/RS232 Serial Port. However, the Read Back Times are dependent on the frequencies being measured. Using an Agilent i3070 the Read Back Times are 400ms to 700ms approximately.OUTPUTS输出:
USB / RS232
| - Red, Green, Blue (RGB) - Hue, Saturation, Intensity (HSI) - Dominant Wavelength - CCT - CIE xy - CIE u'v' |
Frequency Out | - Hue, Saturation, Intensity (HSI) |
Synchronous Serial | - Red, Green, Blue (RGB) - Hue, Saturation, Intensity (HSI) - CCT - CIE xy |
DRIVERS/SOFTWARE驱动及软件:Feasa provides a comprehensive suite of Drivers and Software for ease of use.
类型ITEM | Feasa I | Feasa F |
Test Models for Agilent i3070 Test Code for Teradyne DLL used for Testing Programming examples in Labview, C++ | YES YES YES YES | NO NO YES YES |
In addition, Feasa also provides a number of programmes to allow for the most efficient and appropriate use of the analyser.MODEL型号:
Feasa LED Analyser | Feasa I | Feasa F |
3Channel通道 5Channel通道 10Channel通道 20Channel通道 | Part No.: Feasa 3I Part No.: Feasa 5I Part No.: Feasa 10I Part No.: Feasa 20I | Part No.: Feasa 3F Part No.: Feasa 5F Part No.: Feasa 10F Part No.: Feasa 20F |