长春碱 865-21-4价格中文别名: 长春花碱
英文名: vinblastine
英文别名: Vincaleukoblastine;VLB
CAS登录号: 865-21-4
分子式: C46H58N4O9
分子量: 810.97
长春碱 865-21-4价格分子结构:

外观: 白色针状结晶
规格: 20 mg/支
纯度: ≥ 98%
用途: 用于含量测定/鉴定/药理实验等。
提取来源: 夹竹桃科植物长春花
溶解性: 溶于***、丙酮和乙醇。
熔点: 211~216℃
旋光度: +42°(***)
药理药效: 用于ZL何杰金氏病和绒毛膜上皮癌,LX较好;对淋巴肉瘤、网状细胞肉瘤、急性白血病、乳腺癌、圣母细胞瘤、卵巢癌、睾丸癌、神经母细胞瘤和恶性黑色素瘤等也有一定LX .
贮存条件: 4℃冷藏、密封、避光
有效期: 2年
长春碱 865-21-4价格特点:是一种敏感性高,特异性强,重复性好的实验诊断方法,由于其试剂稳定、易保存,操作简便,结果判断较客观等因素,已广泛应用在免疫学检验的各领域中。
长春碱 865-21-4价格标准品和对照品的本质区别:
proteins are structured similarly each composed of an N-terminal domain with multiple ankyrin repeats, a highly co
nserved central spectrin binding domain, and C-terminal regulatory domains which are susceptible to the most variance. Both Ankyrin B and Ankyrin G are essential for normal neuro
nal functions. Ankyrin B, or brain Ankyrin is predominantly expressed in the plasma membrane of neurons as well as glial cells throughout the brain. Two trans
cripts have been described with alternative splicing resulting in additio
nal isoforms. The Ankyrin B protein associates with the spectrin-actin network, mediates axon fasciculation, and stabilizes axon bundles. Ankyrin B is required for coordinated assembly of Na/Ca exchanger, Na/K ATPase, and inositol trisphosphate (InsP(3)) receptor at transverse-tubule/sarcoplasmic reticulum sites in cardiomyocytes.
Function : Attaches integral membrane proteins to cytoskeletal elements. Also binds to cytoskeletal proteins. Required for coordinate assembly of Na/Ca exchanger, Na/K ATPase and InsP3 receptor at sarcoplasmic reticulum sites in cardiomyocytes. Required for the coordinated ex
pression of the Na/K ATPase, Na/Ca exchanger and beta-2-spectrin (SPTBN1) in the inner segment of rod photoreceptors. Required for ex
pression and targeting of SPTBN1 in neo
natal cardiomyocytes and for the regulation of neo
natal cardiomyocyte co
ntraction rate.
Subunit : Interacts with RHBG and SPTBN1.
Subcellular Location : Cytoplasm, cytoskeleton. Membrane. Cytoplasm, myofibril, sarcomere, M line. Apical cell membrane. Cell membrane.
Tissue Specificity : Present in plasma membrane of neurons as well as glial cells throughout the brain. Expressed in fetal brain and in temporal cortex of adult brain. Also expressed in the inner segments of rod photoreceptors in retina.
DISEASE : Defects in ANK2 are the cause of long QT syndrome type 4 (LQT4) [MIM:600919]; also known as sick sinus syndrome with bradycardia. Long QT syndromes are heart disorders characterized by a prolo
nged QT
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