Y400-451 制冷及压缩机行业应用压力变送器
- 型号:Y400-451
- 产地:深圳市
- 供应商:深圳市鸿瑞传感仪器有限公司
- 供应商报价:面议
- 标签:制冷及压缩机行业应用压力变送器
Y基于 MEMS技术,采用先进的玻璃微熔技术,避免了温度、湿度、机械疲劳和介质对产品产生的影响,从而加强了传感器在工业环境中的长期稳定性。压力腔体采用进口17-4PH不锈钢整体加工,无"O"型圈、无焊缝,无泄漏隐患。传感器内置强抗射频和电磁干扰、温度自动补偿的数字电路,具有抗干扰能力强,温度补偿范围宽、输出形式灵活多样等特点。该系列产品有多种压力接口和多种电气输出形式供客户选择。
The Y400-451 pressure transmitter applied in the refrigeration & compressor industry adopts the MEMS technology and the advanced glass micro-melting technology to avoid influences on the product caused by the temperature, humidity, mechanical fatigue and medium, thus to improve its permanent stability in the industrial environment. Its pressure chamber is made of imported 17-4PH stainless steel in an integrated way without welding seams or O-rings, free of leakage troubles. Digital circuits capable of strong RFI & EMI resistance and automatic temperature compensation are installed inside the transmitter and the transmitter is featured with the strong interference resistance, wide temperature compensation scope and flexible & various output forms, etc. The series products provide several optional pressure connectors and electric output forms for customers.
Product Features
◇ 先进的温度数字补偿功能,工作温度范围宽
Advanced digital temperature compensation and wide working temperature scope
◇ ZY的抗冲击、抗过载、抗震动、耐腐蚀
Excellent resistance against impact, overload, shock and erosion
◇ GX防雷击、强抗射频和电磁干扰保护
Highly-efficient lighting absorption and strong RFI & EMI resistance
◇ 高精度、高频响、长期稳定性好
High precision, high frequency response and permanent stability
Applicable Scope
◇ 制冷及空气压缩机测量与控制
Refrigeration and air compressor measuring and control
Air-conditioner production line testing
Standard Range
Pressure Type: meter pressure, absolute pressure and sealing pressure;
量程(bar):1 1.6 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 40 60 100
Ranges (bar): 1 1.6 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 40 60 100
量程(psi):15 30 50 75 100 200 300 500 750 1000 1500
Ranges (psi): 15 30 50 75 100 200 300 500 750 1000 1500
Technical Indexes:
信号输出 Signal Output | 4~20mA | 0.5~4.5VDC | 0~5VDC | 0~10VDC |
信号线规格 Signal Line Specification | 2线 2 Lines | 3线 3 Lines | 3线 3 Lines | 3线 3 Lines |
供电电压 Power Voltage | 11~33VDC | 4.5~6VDC | 11~33VDC | 18~33VDC |
精度(非线性、滞后、重复性) Precision (non-linearity, hysteresis and repetition) | 0.25% span, 0.5% span | |||
零点温度漂移 Zero Temperature Drift | 0.02% span /℃ | |||
灵敏度温度漂移 Sensitivity Temperature Drift | 0.02% span /℃ | |||
长期稳定性(1年) Permanent Stability (1 Year) | 0.1% span | |||
响应频率(-3dB) Response Frequency (-3dB) | 3.2KHZ | |||
温度补偿 Temperature Compensation | -20~85℃ | |||
工作温度 Working Temperature | -40~125℃ | |||
贮存温度 Storage Temperature | -40~125℃ | |||
过载压力 Overload Pressure | 300% span | |||
破坏压力 Destructive Pressure | 500% span | |||
机械振动 Mechanical Vibration | ±20g | |||
冲击(11ms) Impact (11ms) | 100g | |||
绝缘电阻 Insulation Resistance | 100MΩ | |||
介质兼容性 Medium Compatibility | 与316 L不锈钢兼容的各种介质 Various media compatible with the 316L stainless steel | |||
防护等级 Protection Grade | IP65 | |||
材料 Material | 17-4PH |