
安捷伦81595B 供应81595B 安捷伦1x4光开关


81595B 1x4 Optical Switch Module

Key Features & Specifications

Key performance specifications

Insertion Loss < 2dB

Guaranteed lifetime > 10 Mio. cycles

PDL < 0.07dB for Single-mode option

Highest repeatablity specified over 10.000 random switch cycles: 0.03dB


The plug-in module for Keysight's Lightwave Solution Platform 8163B, 8164B, 8166B is ideal for flexible system configuration in applications such as transceiver/receiver test with small foot-print or multiple passive component test with complex cascade.

The Keysight modular design of the optical switch features a 1x4 matrix in both SMF and MMF with low insertion loss and highly repeatable switch routing in <10 ms switching time.

Routing of various optical sources such as laser in various wavelenght range and routing of various optical receiver such as power sensor, oscilloscope, BERT.


Highest repeatablity specified over 10.000random switch cycles: 0.03dB

Guaranteed lifetime > 10 Mio. cycles

Insertion Loss < 2dB

PDL < 0.07dB for Single-mode option

Return Loss > 55dB

Crosstalk up to -70dB

High switching speed < 10ms


Using0ne test setup for testing DUTs in all transmission bands.

High uptime of test system minimize cost of ownership.

Minimize test uncertainties, maximize power budget enables higher production yield an highly competitive product specifications.

Minimize test times - maximize production throughput.

Minimal influence0n transmitted signal.

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