


玻璃浮计使用说明 1.浮计使用前必须全部清洗擦干,(用肥皂或酒精擦洗干净) 2.经过清洁处理干净后的浮计,手不能拿在分度的刻线部分,必须用食指和拇指轻轻拿在干管顶端,并注意不能横拿,应垂直拿,以防折断 3.必须把盛液体之用的筒清洗干净,以免影响读数 4.要充分搅拌液体,等气泡消除后再把浮计轻轻漂浮于液体里,使浮计在检测点上、下三个分度内浮动,待有良好之弯月面进读取读数,否则读数不准 5.要看清浮计读数方法,如浮计内的小标志上标明“弯月面上缘读数”外,其他一律用“弯月面下缘读数”。如图。 6.液体温度与浮计标准温度不符时,其读数应予补正 7.如发现分度纸位置移动、玻璃裂痕、表面有污秽物附着而无法去除时,该浮计立即停止使用。 玻璃浮计允许误差 1.浮计的zui大允许误差不得大于+/-个分度值。 2.本玻璃计按国家计量局<JJG86-86标准玻璃浮计和JJG42-87工作玻璃浮计检定规程>经上海市标准计量局和本厂计量检定出厂,产品附有合格证。
Glass float plan instructions 1. Float plan must be clean before using all dry, (with soap or alcohol swabbed clean) 2. After cleaning clean the project after float, hand can't take the degree of the scribed line, must use forefinger and thumb gently in the top line shall take, and can't take the attention should be vertical take, in case break 3. Must be and the use of liquid of tube clean, lest affect reading 4. To fully mixing liquid, and then put the bubble eliminate float plan gently floated in the liquid, make the float in the first project, three points degrees floating, to have good on the curved surface into take a reading, or reading no 5. To see floating plan reading method, such as floating in the small sign plan marked "crescent margin on reading" outside, other all use "crescent inferior to face reading". As shown in figure. 6. The liquid temperature and float plan not standard temperature, the reading should be corrected 7. Such as the discovery of dividing the position paper, glass cracks, the surface has adhered unclean not remove, the float plan to immediay stop to use. Glass float plan allow error 1. The maximum permissible error float plan must not be more than + /-a dividing value. 2. This glass plan according to the national standard measurement < JJG86-86 standard glass float plan and JJG42-87 work glass float gauge verification procedures > by Shanghai standard standard measurement and our factory metrological verification factory, the product with certificate.
信息声明:本产品供应信息由仪器网为您整合,供应商为(秦皇岛爱伏特电子科技有限公司),内容包括 (出口型1.015-1.040附温乳汁比重计(图))的品牌、型号、技术参数、详细介绍等;如果您想了解更多关于 (出口型1.015-1.040附温乳汁比重计(图))的信息,请直接联系供应商,给供应商留言!