- 供应商:广州技创电子设备有限公司
- 供应商报价:面议
- 标签:NFAI135-HE0模块
电压 :入和系统间 500V AC,通道间 500V AC
送器供电 : 20.2~29.3 V
输出电流限制 :25 mA)
线制和四线制变送器设定 通道均带连接端子
大电流消耗 :60 mA(5V DC),450 mA(24V DC)
重量 :0.3 kg
• 精度 :满量程的 ±0.1%
• 数据更新周期 :10 ms
• 输入阶跃响应时间 :100 ms
• 温度漂移 :ZD ±0.01%/℃
This news supersedes the sales news No. SPMK13E-001 issued on January 2, 2013.
Please pay attention to this sales news even though explosion protection standard is not
required in your projects because the model numbers of non-explosion protection type
components will also be changed.
If expected shipping date from YAS is May 1, 2013 or after, please place an order on April 1, 2013 or
after. There may be cases to be asked for change in selected models if the current model is ordered
before April 1, 2013 and its shipping date is specified May 1, 2013 or after.
The following information is revised in this news.
Please see the red characters to confirm the revised contents.
- “Compliance with changes in ATEX Type “n” Standards” is revised.
- Dates of Sales Release, Order Entry Start, First Delivery and Sales Documents are added.
- Applicable components for new Type “n” are added.
- The Information about ordering and installation for current Type “n” is revised.
- The price structure of the components which support explosion protection is added.
模块名称 | NFAI135 | 后缀代码 | 描述 | 备注 | |||
模拟量输入模块(4~20mA,8通道,隔离通道) |
| ||||||
| -S |
| 标准型 |
| -H |
| HART通信 |
| 0 |
| 与以前的防暴 | 停产 |
| 5 |
| 没有防暴 | 标准订单 |
| E |
| 防暴 | tokuchu秩序 |
| 0 |
| 基本类型 |
| 1 |
| ISA标准G3选项 |
选购件代码 |
| /13S00 | 与隔离的模拟压力钳接线端子 【模型:nfti3s-00 ] |
| /13S10 | 与隔离的模拟压力钳接线端子(避雷器)【模型:nfti3s-10 ] |
| |
| /CCC01 | 与连接器盖MIL电缆[模型:nfccc01 ] |
FCN 模块规格
型号 | 说明 | HART | RTU* | OP* | PCT* | MIL | 基本规格 | 规格 |
NFAI135 | 模拟输入 • 4~20 mA • 8 通道 • 通道隔离 | √ | N/A | N/A | √ | √ 40 针 | • 耐电压 : 输入和系统间 500V AC,通道间 500V AC • 变送器供电 : 20.2~29.3 V ( 输出电流限制 :25 mA) • 两线制和四线制变送器设定 每通道均带连接端子 • ZD电流消耗 : 360 mA(5V DC),450 mA(24V DC) • 重量 :0.3 kg | • 精度 :满量程的 ±0.1% • 数据更新周期 :10 ms • 输入阶跃响应时间 :100 ms • 温度漂移 :ZD ±0.01%/℃ |