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| 浮游动物计数框文献:
| 1:Will Mississippi River diversions designed for coastal restoration cause harmful algal blooms? Ecological Engineering Volume 91, June 2016, Pages 350-364
| 2:Hydroxide stabilization as a new tool for ballast disinfection: efficacy of treatment on zooplankton Management of Biological Invasions (2015) Volume 6, Issue 3: 263–275
| 3:Estuarine ecosystem response to three large-scale Mississippi River flood diversion events Science of The Total Environment Volumes 458–460, 1 August 2013, Pages 374-387
| 4:Phytoplankton and Fish Abundance in the outer San Pedro Bay, Leyte, Philippines during 2013-2014 Yap-Dejeto, et al./ Phil J of Nat Sci 21-2 (2016): 17-30
| 5:Toxicity of Alexandrium lusitanicum to gastropod larvae is not caused by paralytic-shellfish-poisoning toxins Harmful Algae Volume 7, Issue 5, August 2008, Pages 567-573
| 6:
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