P系列 比利时FOS&S 公司光纤光栅式压力传感器
- 型号:P系列
- 产地:上海
- 供应商:上海文胜机械设备有限公司
- 供应商报价: 电议
- 标签:比利时FOS&S 公司光纤光栅式压力传感器,比利时FOS&S 公司光纤光栅式压力传感器价格,比利时FOS&S 公司光纤光栅式压力传感器厂家
品Pai | FOS&S | 型号 | P系列 |
种类 | 光学 | 材料 | 金属 |
材料物理性质 | 导体 | 材料晶体结构 | 多晶 |
制作工艺 | 薄膜 | 输出信号 | 模拟型 |
防护等级 | IP65 | 线性度 | 0.02(%F.S.) |
迟滞 | 0.02(%F.S.) | 重复性 | 0.02(%F.S.) |
灵敏度 | 0.02 | | |
上海文胜机械设备有限公司专业代理比利时FOS&S 公司光纤光栅压力传感器:DescriptionThe fibre optic pressure sensor P-01 consists of a membrane that is connected to a FBG mounted under pre-strain. When pressure is applied to the membrane, the membrane will deflect resulting into a change in the FBG strain value and hence also in a change of the reflected FBG wavelength.The head of the pressure sensor is foreseen of a thread that allows connecting the sensor to pipelines, valves and vessels.In order to compensate for temperature influences, a high resolution temperature probe is integrated within the housing.The housing is made of stainless steel and is terminated with an optical connector using a plastic tubing. Tubing lengths and connector can be specified following the needs of every application.The sensor is single connectorised but can on request also be designed for series configurations.FeaturesThe pressure sensor P-01 can measure pressure and temperature with a resolution of 0,05% Full Scale and 0,1 °C respectively and an accuracy of 1% Full Scale and 1 °C respectively. The pressure range can be chosen between 1 and 150 bar.ApplicationsThe pressure sensor can be applied for flow control in all sorts of pipelines and liquid level measurements in reservoirs and others.videozoomDescriptionThe fibre optic pressure sensor P-01 consists of a membrane that is connected to a FBG mounted under pre-strain. When pressure is applied to the membrane, the membrane will deflect resulting into a change in the FBG strain value and hence also in a change of the reflected FBG wavelength.The head of the pressure sensor is foreseen of a thread that allows connecting the sensor to pipelines, valves and vessels.In order to compensate for temperature influences, a high resolution temperature probe is integrated within the housing.The housing is made of stainless steel and is terminated with an optical connector using a plastic tubing. Tubing lengths and connector can be specified following the needs of every application.The sensor is single connectorised but can on request also be designed for series configurations.FeaturesThe pressure sensor P-01 can measure pressure and temperature with a resolution of 0,05% Full Scale and 0,1 °C respectively and an accuracy of 1% Full Scale and 1 °C respectively. The pressure range can be chosen between 1 and 150 bar.ApplicationsThe pressure sensor can be applied for flow control in all sorts of pipelines and liquid level measurements in reservoirs and others. 详情敬请来电咨询!