
IMAGER 5006EX 德国 IMAGER 5006EX ,防爆型三维激光扫描仪



 5006EX 防爆型 是在 IMAGER 5006 基础上研发的系统,这是全世界一套防爆型三维激光扫描仪。根据ATEX分类,5006EX可被用于可能发生爆炸的危险环境,例如煤矿或是化工工厂。  

 The new way of scanning... 

high-accurate, fast, reliable and flexible



Based on the high quality laser scanner Z+F IMAGER® 5006, Zoller+Fröhlich GmbH and DMT GmbH & Co. KG have developed the first explosion proof 3D laser scanner.

The IMAGER 5006EX revolutionises surveying in atmospheres, e.g. in underground mining and chemical plants.

The IMAGER 5006EX offers numerous advantages that not only increase productivity but also reduce costs:  

"Stand alone" concept for easiest handling and fast assembly
Ambiguity interval up to 79 meters
Very low range noise in the whole point cloud
Battery pack can be changed in explosive environments 
Unique handling concept
Operation via keyboard/display
Wireless operation via PDA
Interfaces to several standard software tools for data evaluation and modelling (e.g. Z+F, Leica Geosystems and Amberg Technologies)
Industrial applications

As-build documentation, e.g. for reconstruction or new development
Check and control of facilities
Acceptance inspection of contractual work
Variance comparison
Deformation documentation
Volume calculation

Mining applications

Please contact DMT GmbH & Co. KG for further information (www.dmt.de).

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