
拟南芥表达谱芯片,拟南芥基因芯片,拟南芥基因组芯片,拟南芥基因表达芯片,拟南芥芯片 Arabidopsis Gene Expression Microarray

  • 拟南芥表达谱芯片,拟南芥基因芯片,拟南芥基因组芯片,拟南芥基因表达芯片,拟南芥芯片

    Arabidopsis Gene Expression Microarray As the first fully-sequenced and annotated higher plant, Arabidopsis thaliana is the primary higher plant model organism for gene expression. Customers can order either the V3 version or the more recent V4 version. It is useful for investigating plant organ functions, growth stages, and stress response. Feature Specifications Agilent Product Number G2519F Design ID V3: 015059 V4: 021169 Format 4 x 44K Arrays/Slide 4 Slides/Kit 1 Sequences V3: 37,683 A. thaliana probes and 6,118 blank features V4: 43,803 A. thaliana probes represented Gene List Annotations Design Files Probe Sequences Composition V3 contents sourced from the RefSeq, 2004 GenBank, 2004 TIGR, 2004 ATH1 v.5 University of Delawares Arabidopsis MPSS V4 contents sourced from the RefSeq (Release 30) Jul 2008 UniGene (Build 67) May 2008 TAIR 8 cdna, Apr 2008 TIGR (Release 13) Jun 2006 TIGR Plant Transcript Assemblies (Release 2) Jun 2006 ATHI, Jan 2004 Manufacturing Agilent 60-mer SurePrint technology Permitted Use Research Use Only

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